We offer GUIDANCE, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SOLUTIONS related TO: Budgeting & Financial Literacy FOR: "No Debt!", "Excellent Credit!", "Employment", "a Business"!".
Program Mission Statement!
aHAND4 ® Life!
offers qualified VIP! Members & Clients the following Program:
High-quality, personalized, versatile, effective and fulfilling Financial Education, Planning, Debt & Credit Management, Employment Guidance and Business Education and Development - that is, Service encounters for all the necessary & important aspects in this area of focus for a Person's successful "Supported Living" experience.
Program Overview!
After agreeing on
YOUR Life Plan! ™
... we work diligently with our VIP! Member or Client, and their support network, much as an experienced Parent or Friend would.
We utilize BEST PRACTICES to execute identified "FINANCES!" activities, and of elected Sub-Program(s), to defined end-points
aHAND4 ®
No Debt & Excellent Credit!
SSI & Section 8!
My Business!
...as Needed, 4Life!™
We perform activities of
the activities of
(1) aHAND4 ®
(2) aHAND4 ®
because without these areas appropriately managed and under control, having, or managing finances
doesn't matter much!
However, Financial "literacy", and "Planning and Management Guidance" IS important for successful Supported Living, and we help facilitate that early AND
... as needed, 4Life! ™
And, as we agree in
YOUR Life Plan! ™
we execute all elected Programs with overlap as possible ...
aHAND4 ®
(1) CARE!
(2) LEGAL!
(4) HOMES!
...as Needed, 4Life!™
Program Approach!
aHAND4 ®
the Program Mission stated above ... "Total Financial Guidance and Assistance for: HEALTHCARE, HOUSING, INCOME and WEALTH building
of our VIP! Members or Clients - People with a chronic, Significant Physical Disability ™".
∫ • We act as an experienced, trusted, unbiased and prompt "personal financial assistant, planner, coach" - very experienced with significant physical disabilities, trained with yours, and sundry "finances needs" for successful "semi-independent living" - such as would be provided by a loving family member, close friend, cargiver, life coach and/or tutor (not requiring a State-license).
∫ •
help you to review and prepare applications and key documents, to
YOUR Life Plan! ™
(those which DO NOT contain any personal or proprietary information, UNLESS by your written permission),
for your individual decision-making.
∫ •
Our Mission is to help you THRIVE,
in the world, not just SURVIVE!
To achieve this in
we offer three (3) Sub-Programs, outlined below, to address needs in
..No Debt & Excellent Credit!
..SSI & Section 8!
..My Business!
∫ •
We are
"...Supporting YOUR Living!®"
"...as needed, 4Life! ™"
aHAND4 ®
any other Services, or Things! than those stated herein.
Please see also additional
STRATEGY: Developing and Executing!
LEADERSHIP: Applying our Experience!
QUALITY: Best-in-Class Service!
The 5C's approach to Happiness!": Straightforward, Effective, Novel!
THE RESULT: We achieve our Program Mission! And Outcomes substantially better than other Organizations!
Join Us!
"We are significantly helping People with a chronic Significant, Physical Disability!"
Our Programs Process! (all)
or Update
YOUR Life Plan!
Begin, then
Measure for
Adjust the Plan!
aHAND4 FINANCES! Sub-Programs!
aHAND4 No Debt & Excellent Credit!
This Program assists with most Financial Education, Planning & Management Needs - to live (or become and then live) "debt-free", with Excellent Credit (score), using In/Out-HomeCare! and Telecare!
PROVIDING: Coaching and Guidance in Financial literacy, Budgeting, Financial Planning, Debt-elimination, Increased Credit-worthiness!
This Program assists with all aspects of gaining and maintaining in good standing, SSI (Income), and Section 8 (Housing Voucher) for both the Adult, and to assist Parents of Minor Children nearing adulthood. We use In/Out-HomeCare! & Tele-Care! PROVIDING: Assistance to Plan and set Goals for teamwork, timing, and support for gaining (Qualification) and Maintaining (annual renewals) for SSI and Section 8.
aHAND4 Jobs!
Though we can't promise a job or all the money, this Program assists with all sorts of employment interests, typically for the Adult, but may also Parents with near-adult (age 17) Minor Children, using In/Out-HomeCare! (jobsite) & Tele-Care! -
PROVIDING: Assistance and guidance in most aspects of finding and securing a Job - planning, qualifications, locating, resumes, interviewing, job maintainance (once employed) - supporting "SSA Ticket to Work" and various State programs via In-home/Center Training!
aHAND4 My Business!
We never encourage high-risk activity, but some people have entreprenuerial spirit, skill and interest for a business. This program assists Adults to help inform of risks, and management, particularly for home-based businesses, using In Home support & Tele-Guidance! -
PROVIDING: Assistance and Guidance in most aspects of planning and forming, staring and running a Business! Education, Articles of Inc., Operating Agreements (LLC), Bylaws, Policies, financing, SOS filings, licenses, etc.!