• woman excited arms, pulling for you, saying Matching 
                 NEEDS & LIVING
			    	 Public Giving! ™
                          CA CR Title 11 §999.2 Public Benefit Co.  
                               US CR Title26 §501c3 Tax Exempt 
                                      Since May 2009
  • grin and bearing man clenching arms, pulling for you saying Defending 
       the HUMAN SPIRIT 
            of VIP!s 
	    An easy, yet 
              TERRIBLE THING
		         TO CRUSH! ™
                         CA CR Title11 §999.2 Public Benefit Co.  
                              US CR Title26 §501c3 “Tax Exempt” 
                                   Since May 2009
  • lovely woman with extatic head-turning grin and arms, saying Becoming a   
             for  VIP!s
          PEOPLE with a Chronic, 
               Significant, Physical
                  Disability due to 

	                   CA CR Title 11 §999.2 Public Benefit Corp,  
                                  US CR Title26 §501c3 “Tax Exempt”, 
                                       Since May 2009
aH4L! - Financial Plan!

Financial Plan!

Unanimous approval by the Directors! (2014 thru 2016)

We are working to execute our "2014 to 2016 Operational Plan", unanimously approved by the Diretors in May of 2014. We are confident it will produce the results of launch and initial growth that we have described. Please "Join Us!" in support so we can make our Operational Plan a reality. This is a great work and we appreciate your help!

Launch &Scale-Up Plan and Actuals! (Overview)

aHAND4 ® Life!'s is exiting "Startup" and entering "Launch &Scaleup" phase, beginning in select Communities with high need and demand for Services.

Launch will continue in each Community for approximately six (6) Months, followed by a "Scale-up Phase" of one (1) to two (2) years.

We will continue for decades to come in "Launch Funraising, and Launch" in local communities across the United States, in Communities in need of our Services and dedicated to safely and effectively supporting our Programs and efforts there.

** Thru 4Q2016 (year-end). Updated monthly. Ending: Dec 31 '16, 11:59:59p. DONATIONS $ INCLUDES cash value of all Donations, including Things!. DOES NOT INCLUDE Revenues for "Services rendered" which may be "Unrelated Business Income (UBI)", which is permitted by US IRS to a limited extent for Public Charities.

Operational "Plan"

  • 400 CA PSPD Members in Srvc
  • 100 CA PSPD Clients in Srvc
  • 500 US PSPD Members in Srvc
  • 150 US PSPD Clients in Srvc
  • 1500 Registered Followers
  • 1200 Supporting Memberships
  • $300,000 in Donations
  • $100,000 in Service Revenue
  • 85% Effcy ($Direct / $Indirect)

Operational "Actuals"

  •  0001 CA PSPD Members in Srvc 
  •  0 CA PSPD Clients in Srvc 
  •  0001 US PSPD Members in Srvc 
  •  0 US PSPD Clients in Srvc 
  •   Registered Followers 
  •  0008 Supporting Memberships 
  •  $27,825 in Donations RAISED! $16,695 Western LA Cnty  $11,130Si Valley Cntys
  •  $0 in Service Revenue 
  •  95% Effcy ($Direct / $Indirect) 

"Road to $300K, Initial Launch & Scale-up!" FUNDRAISER 2014-2016

    "We are on the Road to $300K in Public support by year-end 2016. Our goal is to ANNUALLY SERVE 1000 People w/ a chronic Significant Physical Disability due to Development (PCSPDD, ramp up over 5 years)!"

    aHAND4 Life! is using 60% to Launch in West Los Angeles Cnty (1Q17):

  • 1) 1 FT TeleGuidance Program Case Manager (PCM) - Serves ~80 wkly) +
  • 2) 1 FT/PT In-Home Personal Care Assistant (PCA) - Serves ~1 FT/4 PT wkly) +
  • 3) Offers "THINGS!" to PCSPDD Members' ("Charitable Needs, by YLP!") +
  • 4) Launching aHAND4 Companion Animals! in this Community

  • aHAND4 Life! is using 40% to Launch in Santa Clara Cnty (3Q'17):

  • 1) leverages the above FT TeleGuidance PCM, and ADDS
  • 2), 3), and 4) same as above for THIS local Community!

Other Operational Goals and Plans


Other Operational Plan information and Results!

Please also select one of the following links to review additional informaiton on our Plans, and our Results so far!

Remember - our Mission is Substantial!

We acknowledge, our Vision and Mission and approved 2014-2016 Operational Plan are substantial! But SO are the Needs of the Membership and Clients!

We began this Organization with a "blank piece of paper", and ONLY the limited financial resources of the Founder, Mr. LeMahieu. We have yet limited financial resources, and wish to growing QUICKLY and widely throughout California, and the USA.

We need the help of you, the Public, and our Membership to grow. As our Funding and Revenue grows, word gets out and we are able to offer greater valued services to our VIP! Members and Clients! We appreciate your support!