Our Mission!
Mission (Service) Statement!
For and with our VIP!s, People with a chronic, Significant Physical Disability due to Development (PCSPDD), by their capable, responsible and "good faith" effort in living toward self-reliance in their chosen "Supported Living Environment",
aHAND4 Life! ®
and the Community ARE:
...aHAND4 Life! ®,
"...Supporting YOUR living!" ®,
...as NEEDED, 4Life! ™,
"... supporting INDEPENDENCE all Citizens, including VIP!s
their ... Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness"
VIP!stheir ... Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness"
"... Defending the HUMAN SPIRIT of VIP!s
... an easy, yet TERRIBLE THING to CRUSH!™
VIP!s... an easy, yet TERRIBLE THING to CRUSH!™
"...Matching VIP!s
Mission (Service) Executive Summary!
ME1) Exist in its role and status as a Public Benefit Corporation and US Public Charity (501c3), led by its Directors and Executive Staff, with its & Community donated resources; and
ME2) Serve & Support our Primary Beneficiaries, our VIP! Members, People with a chronic, Significant Physical Disability due to Development (PCSPDD, our "VIP!s") - with substantial financial need thereby, in the manner and for effect as stated in our Mission Statement; and
ME3) Serve & Support such VIP!s in the manner described above, to assist each in meeting essential and unmet self-reliance living needs, on a daily basis if necessary as established by such needs, through a diversity of essential, outcome-effective, cost-efficient, prioritized Programs and sub-Programs, AS:
ME4) have as its approach, providing "Best-in-Class"
ME5) leverage our Resources and Capabilities as in ME3) above for our VIP!s with "Client" status (whether Sponsored or Individual), to provide the same type and level of Service and Approach (except THINGS!, reserved for low-Income&Networth Members Only), as permitted within our Public Benefit corp and US Public Charity status.
ME2) Serve & Support our Primary Beneficiaries, our VIP! Members, People with a chronic, Significant Physical Disability due to Development (PCSPDD, our "VIP!s") - with substantial financial need thereby, in the manner and for effect as stated in our Mission Statement; and
ME3) Serve & Support such VIP!s in the manner described above, to assist each in meeting essential and unmet self-reliance living needs, on a daily basis if necessary as established by such needs, through a diversity of essential, outcome-effective, cost-efficient, prioritized Programs and sub-Programs, AS:
5-THINGS! (VIP! Members Only)
ME4) have as its approach, providing "Best-in-Class"
Technology & Innovationand
"The 5Cs";
ME5) leverage our Resources and Capabilities as in ME3) above for our VIP!s with "Client" status (whether Sponsored or Individual), to provide the same type and level of Service and Approach (except THINGS!, reserved for low-Income&Networth Members Only), as permitted within our Public Benefit corp and US Public Charity status.
Mission (Service) Scope!
aHAND4 Life!'s ®
Scope of Services, as summarized in ME1-5 above, and by our Pledge & Promise and all our Policies, SHALL BE Five(5)-Fold:
MS1) to Serve/Support our VIP!s with "Member" status; and
MS2) to Serve/Support our VIP!s with "Client" status; and
MS3) to Serve/Support involved "Champions" of our VIP!s - i.e. lawful Parents, Guardians, Conservators, immediate family, Caregivers - by developing and distributing Information Resources for "Teamwork" in accomplishing the Mission above for our VIP!s; and
MS4) to Serve/Support the above "Champions" of our VIP!s, in the order listed, who themselves have "Special Needs" in fulfilling their role as "Champion" for their/our VIP! (i.e. financially qualified, Low-Income & Networth, and with documented deficiency(s) in self-reliance knowledge and/or Employment Education, Skills and Training ), by leveraging our Resources and offering select Service assistance of our Programs & Sub-programs, as our resources permit, as our "Secondary Beneficiaries"; and
MS5) to bring awareness to the Public and Communities of our VIP!s, of their Special Needs and Challenges in achieving "Independece" entitled to all US Citizens and in living successfully in their chosed "Supported Living Environment" - to promote acceptance and inspire for compassion and financial support in their roles as "Benefactors"!
Mission (Service) Commitment!
aHAND4 ® Life!
by unanimous resolution of its Board ('14), and with our Staff & involved Community, COMMIT IN SERVICE, DAILY, TO:
MC1) fulfilling our stated Mission as herein, according to our Pledge & Promise and all our Policies, as an independent Organization, but also as possible as a "Qualified Vendor/Supplier" to Government and Private Payors; and
MC2) provide high-impact, highly-valued Services and Human and Facilities Resources, in Programs designed and delivered to identified Needs, with "Priority" as useful, and utilizing successful methods, such as "The 5C’s!”™, to strive with each VIP! for their "ever-improving": (1) Capability, (2) Caring (Compassion), (3) sense of Companionship (4) sense of Community and (5) Contentedness, and achieving "Best-in-Class" status where possible (as measured by industry standard metrics, "setting the bar" where no metrics exist); and
MC3) particularly utilizing Technology, Innovatively, in a highly integrated fashion of optimized “TeleSupport" and "In-home Care", as our Resources permit, to achieve improved (measured) Outcomes in Service Scope and Quality and reduce the burden of Government wherever possible;
MC4) and particularly doing so with a "Not-for-Profit Operational Efficiency" of 85% or greater, ("$Direct" Services & Household Goods (Things!), over "$Indirect" expenses), and Operational Effectiveness of 85% or greater (as measured, Actual Outcomes vs. Planned Outcomes),
MC2) provide high-impact, highly-valued Services and Human and Facilities Resources, in Programs designed and delivered to identified Needs, with "Priority" as useful, and utilizing successful methods, such as "The 5C’s!”™, to strive with each VIP! for their "ever-improving": (1) Capability, (2) Caring (Compassion), (3) sense of Companionship (4) sense of Community and (5) Contentedness, and achieving "Best-in-Class" status where possible (as measured by industry standard metrics, "setting the bar" where no metrics exist); and
MC3) particularly utilizing Technology, Innovatively, in a highly integrated fashion of optimized “TeleSupport" and "In-home Care", as our Resources permit, to achieve improved (measured) Outcomes in Service Scope and Quality and reduce the burden of Government wherever possible;
MC4) and particularly doing so with a "Not-for-Profit Operational Efficiency" of 85% or greater, ("$Direct" Services & Household Goods (Things!), over "$Indirect" expenses), and Operational Effectiveness of 85% or greater (as measured, Actual Outcomes vs. Planned Outcomes),