• woman excited arms, pulling for you, saying Matching 
                 NEEDS & LIVING
			    	 Public Giving! ™
                          CA CR Title 11 §999.2 Public Benefit Co.  
                               US CR Title26 §501c3 Tax Exempt 
                                      Since May 2009
  • grin and bearing man clenching arms, pulling for you saying Defending 
       the HUMAN SPIRIT 
            of VIP!s 
	    An easy, yet 
              TERRIBLE THING
		         TO CRUSH! ™
                         CA CR Title11 §999.2 Public Benefit Co.  
                              US CR Title26 §501c3 “Tax Exempt” 
                                   Since May 2009
  • lovely woman with extatic head-turning grin and arms, saying Becoming a   
             for  VIP!s
          PEOPLE with a Chronic, 
               Significant, Physical
                  Disability due to 

	                   CA CR Title 11 §999.2 Public Benefit Corp,  
                                  US CR Title26 §501c3 “Tax Exempt”, 
                                       Since May 2009

(4)    aHAND4 HOMES!

  • multiethnic team of operators educated white woman operator
  • OUR NEXT in PRIORITY - #4 Program and Sub-programs!    

We offer GUIDANCE, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SOLUTIONS related TO: locating "homes", typically apartments, then assistance with Security Deposits, Move-in/to Move, and Occupying (Maintain and Improve!) "For Safety!" "To be a good neighbor!"

Program Mission Statement!

aHAND4 ® Life! offers qualified VIP! Members & Clients the following Program:

High-quality, personalized, versatile, effective and fulfilling Housing Guidance and Assistance to Plan, Locate, Move, Occupy, Operate and Maintain - i.e., Service encounters for all necessary & important aspects in this area of focus, for a Person's successful "Supported Living" experience.

Program Overview!

After agreeing on YOUR Life Plan! ™ ... we work diligently with our PSPD Member or Client, and their support network, much as an experienced Parent or Friend would.

We utilize BEST PRACTICES to execute identified "HOMES!" activities, and of elected Sub-Program(s), to defined end-points

aHAND4 ®   My Home! 2Move! ...as Needed, 4Life!™  

We perform activities of HOMES! moreso AFTER the activities of (1) aHAND4 ® CARE!, (2) aHAND4 ® LEGAL!, and (3) aHAND4 ® FINANCES!, because without a stable health and care, legal understanding and guidance, and financial literacy and guidance", the HOMES! and THINGS! Programs and Sub-Programs, don't much matter!!    But helpful "Housing Guidance" IS important to plan for a future home, secure, and succeed in "Supported Living" - and we help facilitate that, early, AND ... as needed, 4Life! ™

However, as we agree in YOUR Life Plan! ™, we execute all elected Programs with overlap as possible ...

aHAND4 ®   (1) CARE!   (2) LEGAL!   (3) FINANCES!   (5) THINGS! ...as Needed, 4Life!™  

Program Approach!

aHAND4 ® HOMES!    IS FOR:    the Program Mission stated above ... "TOTAL Housing Guidance and Assistance for: PLANNING, LOCATING, OCCUPYING, MAINTAINING, SAFETY ... of our PSPD Members or Clients - People with a chronic, Significant Physical Disability ™".

∫ •   We act as an experienced, trusted, unbiased and prompt "personal housing assistant, planner and coach" - very experienced with significant physical disabilities, trained with yours, and sundry "housing needs and capabilities" for successful "semi-independent living" - such as would be provided by an experienced, loving family member or friend, cargiver, life coach or tutor (not requiring a State-license).

∫ •   We help you to review and prepare applications and key documents, to YOUR Life Plan! ™ (those which DO NOT contain any personal or proprietary information, UNLESS by your written permission), for your individual decision-making.

∫ •   Our Mission is to help you THRIVE, with HAPPINESS in the world, not just SURVIVE! To achieve this in HOMES!, we offer two (2) Sub-Programs, outlined below, to address needs in   ..My Home! ..2Move!

∫ •   We are "...Supporting YOUR Living!®"; "...as needed, 4Life! ™"

aHAND4 ® CARE!   IS NOT FOR:    any other Services, or Things! than those stated herein. Please see also additional Disclaimers

THE RESULT: We achieve our Program Mission! And Outcomes substantially better than other Organizations!

Join Us!   "We are significantly helping People with a chronic Significant, Physical Disability!"

Our Programs Process! (all)


or Update
YOUR Life Plan!

Our first step together is to establish or update "YOUR Life Plan!" Clarify needs, resources, and capabilities, then set goals and logistics.

Begin, then

We start, then actively participate together per YOUR Life Plan! - daily, weekly, monthly - via Onsite and TeleCare!, for a fun-loving experience!

Measure for
Adjust the Plan!

Together we measure Progress, adjusting YOUR Life Plan! as necessary, and agreed on. For safety, effectiveness, efficiency, ENJOYMENT!


We execute per YOUR Life Plan!, toward endpoints, for maintenance, more accomplishment, and pursuit of YOUR HAPPINESS!

aHAND4 HOMES! Sub-Programs!

woman at desk at computer on phone

2 peoples hands around document

apartment complex

aHAND4 My Home!

This Program assists VIP!s with most aspects of having a "home", in THEIR supported living space, for self-reliance. We offer educated and experienced support staff, for many living situations, and using TeleSupport! - planning, locating, occupying, operating/managing, for self-reliance!

woman, desk, office, man background

brett moving day

aHAND2 Move!

Moving - a freedom all should enjoy. For VIP!s, often "needs-based" - nearer family, medical care, etc. We offer VIP!s significant support to plan and execute such moves, from one supported living space to another - another block, town, or state in the USA!(as our resources permit) - strategic, need's-based, then logistics move planning, and execution, for improved supported living!