Director Nomination, Candidacy & Election Process
Nomination - Step1 - Written Nomination
aHAND4 ® Life! holds Nomination Periods, typically Annually, and other pursuant to the Bylaws. In such period, a Director candidate is required to be nominated by the electorate of the Particular Class holding elections. The (up to) three (3) Candidate(s) by vote, shall be eligible on the first requirement to run for Directorship in their Class of Membership.
• Such Candidates eligible on the first requirement above, must thenb provide three (3) written recommendation Letter Nominations, one personal, one by a distinguished members of the Community, and one by aH4L!, either an Executive Staff and/or Director - those with present accountability and personally willing to endorse the candidate as an excellent example as a person, and would be as Director within the Organization. True life examples should be cited. The Personal Letter is waived if Nominated Directly by the President or Chairman, and the Community Letter is being waived until all Directorship Positions in a Class are filled. Community members include Pastor/Priest/Cleric, Bank Manager where the Nominee maintains his/her personal checking or savings account, or other employed Manager within a Public Company; PLUS
In the case of Nominated Member, the Nominee must be a Member in good standing of their designated Membership Class for the most recent two (2) years - current with Membership Dues - and have NO "evaluation in progress" or have ever been "confirmed" by aH4L! to have violated aH4L! Ethics Policy.
The case of direct, internal Nomination by the President of another Director applies in the Cases where 1) there are any OPENINGs in the Directorship Class, or 2) a sitting Director must retire or be excused from Service before the next election can occur. This may be done at any time, by definition. In this case, both the President and Chairman must complete the process below and unanimously approve the Nomination of the Nominee, before putting the Nominee before the Board for a vote, at the next Regular or Special Meeting of the Directors.
Nomination - Step2 - Interview
Upon such due Nomination, the Chairman and President will contact the Nominee in person or by teleconference to discuss the candidate's interest and the organization's requirements and expectations. Typically the "Nominator" also attends if different than the Chairman.
Nomination - Step3 - Consent Agreement and Conflict of Interest Check
Upon determination of mutual interest and that the Directors' Agreements are likely to be executed (below) and that valued service as a Director will be provided, the Chairman will offer the candidate the organization's Consent Agreement and Conflict of Interest Check(CACIC). The CACIC) assures the Nominee is "consenting", meets all the basic requirements of a Director, and has no "conflict(s) of interest" with the Organization and in the particular Class for which he or she is being considered as Director. The Nominee completes and duly executes the CACIC with data and signatures and initials (every page). He/she returns such by confirmed email, or FAX, or certified mail, attention to the Chairman, at his email address provided on this website, or to the Organizations legal mailing address. The Chairman and President will counter-sign that "Receipt" has occurred and notify such by return email (FAX) to the Nominee.
Nomination - Step4 - Conversion to Candidate
The Chairman and President will then review carefully the returned information, and work with the Candidate as necesary toward satisfactory completion of the document. This may take only a few days, or may take a month or two depending on schedules and possibility. If, after sixty (60) days the Nominee cannot duly complete the Consent Agreement and Conflict of Interest Check, the Nominee will be rejected for time, for the time being, and will be duly notified in writing. Otherwise, upon affirmative recommendation of both the Chairman and President, based on satisfactory "Consent" and "No Conflict", the Nominees "status" will be converted to "Candidate", and he/she will be duly notified as stated in the following Steps.
Directors Service Agreement (DSA)
aHAND4 ® Life!'s provides a Directors' Service Agreement to assure the Director is legally obliged to perform in all the capacity as Director befitting of this Public Bbenefit Corporation and IRS-recognized 501 c 3 "tax-exempt" Public Charity, and the relationship between Director and Organization is clear, and legally understood. The DSA must be fully reviewed and duly executed in its entirety, and returned timely, to be considered by the Organization, and upon such affirmative consideration, to become a "Director-Elect, Pending Board Ratification".
Candidacy - Step 1 - Offering of Director's Service Agreement
The Chairman will then offer the Director Candidate the Organization's Directors' Service Agreement (as discussed above). The Candidate should take good care in reviewing the Agreement, which becomes legally binding upon due execution by both parties, the Candidate and the Organization, and Ratification by the Board. Again, typically, several days or weeks are sufficient to obtain a Director's agreement. If response is not received within thirty (30) days, the Candidate will be duly notified of denial due to delay. If the Candidate provides his/her "agreement" (by signatures), the Candidated will be considered a "Director-Elect, Pending Board Ratification", and will be so notified in writing.
.Candidacy - Step2 - Board Consideration (Ratification or Denial)
The Chairman will bring the Nominee's candidacy before the Board in the next scheduled meeting of the Directors, to discuss high level results, recommendations, and for vote. The Candidate will be contacted in writing of the Board's decision, regardless of election or denial. Denials are rare, but possible according to our Bylaws. All Board decisions are final, and unrevokable (may not be challenged by the Nominee-Candidate). If elected, the duly notified Director will begins service immediately as duly elected Director, which typically means attending the next scheduled Meeting of the Directors.