• woman excited arms, pulling for you, saying Matching 
                 NEEDS & LIVING
			    	 Public Giving! ™
                          CA CR Title 11 §999.2 Public Benefit Co.  
                               US CR Title26 §501c3 Tax Exempt 
                                      Since May 2009
  • grin and bearing man clenching arms, pulling for you saying Defending 
       the HUMAN SPIRIT 
            of VIP!s 
	    An easy, yet 
              TERRIBLE THING
		         TO CRUSH! ™
                         CA CR Title11 §999.2 Public Benefit Co.  
                              US CR Title26 §501c3 “Tax Exempt” 
                                   Since May 2009
  • lovely woman with extatic head-turning grin and arms, saying Becoming a   
             for  VIP!s
          PEOPLE with a Chronic, 
               Significant, Physical
                  Disability due to 

	                   CA CR Title 11 §999.2 Public Benefit Corp,  
                                  US CR Title26 §501c3 “Tax Exempt”, 
                                       Since May 2009
aHAND4 Life! - Policy, Ethics and NO Conflicts of Interest!


Ethics & No Conflict of Interest

Our Philosophy

Whether of purchased Service, or Good(s)/Product(s), our VIP! Members & Clients are our "Customers", the object of our labor, our inspiration, the party we work to great extent for, often tirelessly of goodly time and financial sacrifice, toward help assure satisfaction and acceptance and results. We work similarly with Organizations who engage us financially, and who are our "Suppliers" - so we may all operate efficiently, and grow as possible in helping more VIP! Members & Clients in like-kind, long-term relationship.

COBI1). For Things!: aH4L! strives to provide our VIP! Members (Clients current, useful information and items of NEW or LIKE-NEW condition, and of high Quality. And we work to provide such as conveniently and timely, and cost-effectively as possible.

COBI2). For Services:, we always strive to operate with all our Stakeholders in the utmost professional, business-like manner, with a win-win-win mentality. We seek Members & Clients who are not only "qualified" by their disability and "needs", but who understand our Vision, Mission and purpose of our Organization, as we attempt to well communicate such to the Public on our Website, by our Policies, and promotional literature. We as well seek to work for Organizations for hire, and select our Suppliers who ALSO subscribe to our Philosophies. We find the most success is acheived for all when we engage and interact with people who are themselves innovative and success-oriented, fair-minded, even-handed, and concerned about MUTUAL success of involved in our Services and Goods delivery process. As we help such individuals succeed, we expect to succeed with them, by increased referrals, donations, etc. As we succeed with you in this manner, our ability to help not only such individuals, but many others increases. It's a circle of business and human interpersonal relationships life - of success. We work with our Members, Clients and Organizations we serve as follows, and we trust, and require for our continued interactions, that each also operate according to ethics principles as follows.

Our Promise & Expectation

COBI3). aH4L! requires: all our Directors, Officers and Staff (Employees), and our sub-contractor Specialists, as well as Organizations we work for hire for, as well as any other of our Suppliers (i.e. "the Parties")to execute written agreements ("contracts") attesting to their intent to comply with our Conflict of Interest and Ethics Policy. As well, we require any secondary yet "involved Parties" to be covered under similar agreement to the "the Parties". We believe our highly selective process is the most effective approach to become the PREMIERE Services Provider in the Fields in which we Operate - and we Terminate our Agreements when we learn that these ethical practices are not "Policy" or the norm, and are not followed.

COBI4). Unless otherwise provided for by law OR by the expressed written consent of a binding authority, WE WILL NOT:

  • a). Violate any known procedure of the Parties agreed to in writing a priori, holding Confidentiality of Information which is clearly identified as such in writing, which includes any disclosure in any manner of any of: specifications, drawings, methods, markets, clients, customers, prices, costs, availability, etc; at any time, in any place or fashion.

  • b). Accept or offer non-negligible gifts, excessive or unapproved entertainment, favors or payments with respect to the Parties, or their Involved Parties, which may be deemed to constitute undue influence, be unlawful or otherwise improper, or cause embarrassment.

  • c). Participate in civic or professional organizations that have some potential to involve divulging such Confidential Information, or are unlawful, or clearly of contradictory charter to the Parties and are likely therefore to cause embarrassment.

  • d). Initiate or approve actions with the Parties or their Involved Parties, where there is not a binding, written agreement governing the actions of all such Parties such that objective, fiduciary, business professional decision-making and implementation are not followed, or create "undue legal interference, investigations, obligations and cost", or untimely execution of our Services as advertised/contracted.

  • e). Initiate or approve any form of personal or social "harassment" of any human resources of the Parties or their Involved Parties.

  • f). Invest or hold outside directorship in Parties, or their Involved Parties, where such investment or directorship has any reasonable possibility to influence in any manner a decision or course of action related to the Parties' engagement.

  • g). Fail to comply with all governing State and National Regulations and Statutes "within our knowledge", where such are clearly articulated in writing for the Public, and we will then utilize "our Best Practices", based on our advertised Training and capabilities and experiences.

  • h). Borrow or lend to any Party or their Involved Parties.

  • i). Acquire real estate or any other Capital Property known to "be of interest, such as for purchase" to any of the Parties or their involved Parties.

  • j). Improperly use or disclose any Proprietary or Confidential Information of Party, whether they are engaged contractually with us or not.

  • k). Make any independent agreement with any unauthorized persons of the Parties, or their Involved Parties.

  • l). Improperly use or authorize use of any inventions subject to patent claims, whether realized and in a Product(s), or pending, which are clearly identified in writing as IP.

  • m). In general, engaging in any conduct which appears to casual, reasonable observation by business professionals, that would not be in the best interest of the Parties, or their Involved Parties.