© 2008-2017 aHAND4 ® Life! All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.
aHAND4 ® Life! (or otherwise herein noted as "aH4L!") copyrights and asserts its ownership of a MAJORITY of ALL the materials presented on this website.
This includes aLL text and written descriptions, slogans, parentheticals, noted Trademarks (™ or ®), unless otherwise noted by "quotation marks", and cited with Credit(s). As well, this includes ALL Photos, whether marked with the Copyright or not, unless such photo contains a separate Copyright Notice
Furthermore, in accordance with US Copyright and Trademark laws, aH4L! Inc HEREBY DOES NOT authorize any party visiting our site to copy, reproduce, distribute, in whole or part, by any person, organization or corporation other anyone else, or in any other manner use without expressed verbal discussion of its President and Officer of aHAND4 Life! Inc., Edward W. LeMahieu (first); AND followed by specific WRITTEN permission with defined use (usages). All rights are RESERVED.
All materials posted on aHAND4 ® Life!'s website have been copyrighted by aH4L!, and may also have been recorded in the Library of Congress, where noted.
aH4L! acknowledges that the information contained in this Web site is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment; aH4L! recommends consultation with your doctor or healthcare professional. For emergency medical assistance, please call 911.
aHAND4 Life! Copyright Permission Guidelines
Content Usage
Unless otherwise indicated, all information contained on this website, such as text, graphics, logos and images, is copyrighted by and proprietary to aH4L! and may not be reproduced in whole or in part by persons, organizations or corporations other than the aH4L! without prior written permission of the Legal Department at the aH4L! Home Office.
How to Request Permission
To request permission, please provide a "Permission Request" Letter, and send to our attention, either via the Contact Us page, Form submission area, or by US mail to our legal address, also stated on the Contact Us page. Be sure to explain the intended use of the material you are requesting, including distribution information. All form fields must be filled out in order to submit your request.
How long will it take to process my request?
Please allow 20 business days from receipt of all required information for a response.
General Guidelines
Permission may be granted to copy aH4L! materials if the request meets these criteria:
• Material is being reproduced for educational purposes
• Material will not be used for a commercial or for-profit activity or to promote a commercial product
• Adaptation to another language or medium (for instance, from print to web) is clearly explained
• The aH4L! copyright statement must be included on the reproduction
• The requesting agency agrees to link to www.lls.org from its external web presence
Permission will not be granted when:
• Use of any aHAND4 ® Life! service marks includes aHAND4 Life! logo, other logos, etc. ( (please see our Trademark Policy below our Supporters, Partners or governmental agencies, or any other service marks and logos owned by the aH4L!)
• Use of the aH4L! logo or materials to endorse (implied or otherwise) a product, company or service
• Use of any material that has been discontinued or is under revision
• Use of material that requires the content be modified or adapted
All requests that are granted will be assessed a processing fee based on the schedule below:
Print only - $50
Electronic only - $100
Electronic and Print - $150
Fees can be submitted through an online donation form which will be available here in near future.
Trademark Policy
aHAND4 Life! ® Trademarks Notice
Registered Trademarks
aHAND4 ® Life! is a Registered Trademark, and aHAND4 ® Life! Inc.'s exclusive "right-to-use", in perpetuity, under writtne license agreement with the Licensor - as long as the Organization continues to fulfill it's Mission according to the Articles of Incorporation.
Both the Licensor and aHAND4 ® Life! Inc. reserve all their Rights in use, whether injunctive, equitable relief, or otherwise, as provided for by law. No Party may use any Trademark listed on this page without the expressed written consent of the Licensor and aHAND4 Life! Inc.
Exclusive use of "aHAND4" has been claimed, and has been registered by the USPTO, without exclusive claim to the use also of the word "Life" Therefore the Licensor and aHAND4 Life! Inc also have exlcusive right-to-use "aHAND4" as a Wordmark, in all Programs, Sub-Programs etc., anywhere in the US, in the registered Class of ownership. Any use by any other Party infringes the rights of the Licensor and aHAND4 Life! Inc, who reserve all their rights.
Examples of such protected Wordmarks, whether singular or plural, and without regard to case, in a limited list, are: "aHAND4 CARE!, "aHAND4 LEGAL!", aHAND4 FINANCES!", "aHAND4 HOMES!, "aHAND4 THINGS!", "aHAND4 SAFE HAVENS!", "aHAND4 Friends!", "aHAND4 Companion Animals!", "aHAND4 Companionship!", "aHAND4 Safety", "aHAND4 Caregiving", "aHAND4 Medical & Dental Care!", "aHAND4 Respite!", "aHAND4 Respite Care!", "aHAND4 Supported Living!", "aHAND4 Independent Living!", "aHAND4 Education!", "aHAND4 Tutoring!", "aHAND4 Training!", "aHAND4 Employment", "aHAND4 A Business!", "aHAND4 Household Goods!", "aHAND4 No Debt!", "aHAND4 Good Credit!", "aHAND4 Great Credit!", "aHAND4 Excellent Credit!", "aHAND4 Home Maintenance!", "aHAND4 Disaster Training!", "aHAND4 Survival Skills!", "aHAND4 Camping!", "aHAND4 Fitness!", "aHAND4 Dieting!", "aHAND4 Nutrition!", "aHAND4 Fit Kids!", aHAND4 Fit Teens!", "aHAND4 Fit Adults!", "aHAND4 Fit Seniors!, etc.
Other Trademarks
aHAND4 ® Life! has created, or is under exclusive right to use, by license agreement, the following ADDITIONAL trademarks related to our business. These have been protected by our and the Licensor's lawful notice "™", in all printed literature, websites, and any other Public disclosure, from the date of our inception as a corporation, to-date.
We, and any Licensor, Reserve All Rigths as provided for by law, whether injunctive, equitable relief, or otherwise, as provided for by law.
"Rewarding Exceptional Living ... with Exceptional Giving! ™"
"Defending the HUMAN Spirit .... a terrible thing to CRUSH!™"
As stated above for the Registered marks, exclusive use of "aHAND2" is claimed, as an obvious related and business succession of the "aHAND4" claim. Unauthorized use of this series of Marks as well in the above Class of service business, would cause "unmistakeable confusion" in the marketplace, and substantial damages to both Licensor and aHAND4 Life! Inc. All Rights in use for "aHAND4" are also Reserved.
aHAND4 Life! Trademark Permission Guidelines
Content Usage
Unless otherwise permitted in writing by the Licensor and aHAND4 Life! Inc, all Trademarks are the property of the Licensor, under exclusive right-to-use Agreement with aHAND4 Life! Inc, and no such wordmark or symbol may be used or reproduced, in whole or in part, by any Party, at any time, in any place, unless otherwise permitted by law. In such case, such use must be strictly in accordance the law, and may not cause any defamation to our Corporate Identity, Brand, Public Image, Mission and/or Vision, etc.
How to Request Permission
To assure use is appropriate and permitted by the Licensor and aHAND4 Life! Inc, please submit requests in writingby your "Permission Request" Letter sent to our attention, either via the Contact Us page, Form submission area, or by US mail to our legal address, also provided on the Contact Us page. Be sure to explain the intended use of the material you are requesting, including distribution information. All form fields must be filled out in order to submit your request. No use is permitted unless we specifically respond in writing to your request.
How long will it take to process my request?
Please allow 30 business days (typical) from receipt of all required information, for our response.