• woman excited arms, pulling for you, saying Matching 
                 NEEDS & LIVING
			    	 Public Giving! ™
                          CA CR Title 11 §999.2 Public Benefit Co.  
                               US CR Title26 §501c3 Tax Exempt 
                                      Since May 2009
  • grin and bearing man clenching arms, pulling for you saying Defending 
       the HUMAN SPIRIT 
            of VIP!s 
	    An easy, yet 
              TERRIBLE THING
		         TO CRUSH! ™
                         CA CR Title11 §999.2 Public Benefit Co.  
                              US CR Title26 §501c3 “Tax Exempt” 
                                   Since May 2009
  • lovely woman with extatic head-turning grin and arms, saying Becoming a   
             for  VIP!s
          PEOPLE with a Chronic, 
               Significant, Physical
                  Disability due to 

	                   CA CR Title 11 §999.2 Public Benefit Corp,  
                                  US CR Title26 §501c3 “Tax Exempt”, 
                                       Since May 2009


Serviceship - General Requirements!

Extension and Inclusion of ALL published Website Material!

aHAND4 ® Life! has developed a comprehensive, modern website. Criteria mentioned as "required" or "REQ" on any webpage herein FORM A CONTINUOUS PART of our POLICY re: Serviceship ("Membership & Clientship"). This includes, but is not limited to, our requirements for any Membership type, and extensions or modifications for Clientship, Directorship, Sponsorship, Partnership, Volunteering, Advocating, etc., etc.

General descriptions are also provided in many places throughout the aforementioned website. These also form a continuous part of our "Membership & Clientship Policy" herein.

Inclusion/Exclusion of Clients

Any person who meets the disabilty criteria for a VIP!, may become a Member or Client of aHAND4 ® Life! Final determination of status (Member or Client) is based on financial qualification - individuals with "financial need" (e.g. IRS and SSA definitions), may become VIP! Members - else, such become VIP! Clients.

Member & Client candidates are "Nominated" and proceed as outline below. Referrals for the Nomination process may be as stated, by aH4L! Executive, Conservator, Guardian, friend or sponsoring Agency. Phone calls, emails or Letters to aHAND4 Life! are acceptable methods to get started, but ultimately Members & Clients candidate must "Register!" their interest, and fjully complete our Questionnaire so we may make proper Serviceship determination - aH4L! provides assistance throughout the process for candidates with reasonable demonstration of qualification.

The remainder of the "Process" to become a Client, is subject to the negotiation of the Organization and the Client, or their legal representative, to determine if a mutual agreement can be forged. Such, if forged in writing and accepted in writing by both parties, is provided for (only) in a Letter Agreement or full, formal Contract.

Applicability of all Policies, Federal & State Laws and Regulations, and Local Ordinances!

aH4L! requires all Members other than VIP!'s in Class A, to have their OWN LEGAL AUTHORITY. If aH4L! has reason to suspect an individual does not have his/her "OWN AUTHORITY", such person is required to reasonbly cooperate with aH4L! to provide required legal gov't or medical professional documentation confirming. If aH4L! confirms a person does not have his my own authority and the individual asserted otherwise in Registration or later, all Registration and Membership will be voided on Notice.

aHAND4 ® Life!'s Nomination, Election, Registration, and Membership Application procedures are compliant with our Articles, Bylaws, and Policies (summaries available via the Links at the bottom of every page). aHAND4 Life! has also developed "derivative" or "supporting" Policies. These are occassionally referenced on this site but not published online, and are entirely consistent with, and support, their parent Policy.

As well, we comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, and any ordinances of local municipalities in which we operate.

aHAND4 ® Life!'s reserves it's right as (to be) the SOLE Nominator, Registrar, Application-maker, and Elector pursuant to our Articles, Bylaws, Policies and Federal, State and Local laws and regulations. aHAND4 Life! does not "negotiate" or "arbitrate" in its Memberships, and the prospective Registrant or Member has no standing or legal right or authority over this Organization, pursuant to the law. aHAND4 ® Life!'s RESERVES all its rights.

Please refer to also our POLICY links at the bottom of every page of our Website for applicable information regarding our Policies.

Serviceship - Process Requirements!

RIGHT to Legal Council!

For independent interpretation of any of our Policies as noted above (links below), OR, for your legal understanding of Societal information as Laws, Regulations and Ordinances, etc, please consult your attorney or other Legal Representative. Such is beyond the scope of this site, and aHAND4 ® Life! , it's Staff, President, Managers, Officers, Directors, Professional Advisors, Partners, Sponsors, Supporters, or any other party associated with the Organization DO NOT provide "legal advice", or "council" - such REQUIRES an attorney licensed in the state in the state of appropriate jurisdiction.


Any person may "nominate" any other person to become an aHAND4 ® Life! Member, Sponsor, or Partner. Such "nominee", must consumate their formal "Nomination" for such, by aHAND4 Life!, by Registering, via the links provided atop most web pages.

Pursuant to our Articles and Bylaws, aHAND4 Life! reserves its sole right as official "Nominator" of any "nominee", theretofore.

Registration then proceeds as outlined on the page for Registration, with aHAND4 Life!'s internal review to assure proper category and interest exists. A "Denial" or "Acceptance" of the "Membership Nomination", then occurs by the Organizations provision of a Registration ID, typically via Email only.

** Nomination and determination and acceptance of all Candidate or Nominee supplied informatin, is subject to and at the sole discretion of the Membership Committee, which includes at least the President, but if Elected, also a VIP!'s Director, and potentially one or more other duly qualified Directors, pursuant to our Articles, Bylaws and Policies.

*** If you do not meet the stated requirements, we suggest you Contact Us with your question(s). For certain Items, we may suggest you promptly settle your personal and business matters to meet our Qualifications, and then Apply if still interested.


When a Registrant is ready to Apply!, the may do so at any time via the separate "Apply!" Link provided on most pages. Member Interests are directed to the Membership page, where they must select the Membership Category(s) authorized by the Organization in the Registration Acceptance Notification.

Alternatively, persons Registering may submit all their Registration materials via any mail carrier of their choice, sent to our Corporate Address listed below (and on our Contact Page).

All REQUIREMENTS, including information and documents, listed on each particular Membership Type page, must be included in the Membership Application. Otherwise, the Membership application will be returned for more information, with delay, or, upon aHAND4 Life!'s sole determination of an insincere interest, will cancel the Membership Application, and potentially restrict future Membership Application by the nominee.


aHAND4 ® Life! by its Membership Committee, comprised of a subset of our Directors who are highly experienced in Supported Living" with chronic, Significant Physical Disabilities, pursuant to our Articles and Bylaws and Policies, will diligently review each Application for Membership or Clientship, of the information provided by the Applicant.

Such person becomes a "Member-elect", and may begin Services upon provision/execution of their Member Agreement, and provision of the Member Class Annual Dues.

As a final level of internal scrutiny, after a period of not less than three (3) months, and not more than one (1) year, a Members final, formal Membership acceptance, is "Approved", or "Ratified", by majority affirmative vote of the Directors in a next Directors meeting. Any significant non-compliances with aHAND4 Life! Policy, Vision, Mission, Articles will likely be met with some dissention amongst the Board, and insufficient majority affirmative vote will result in Termination of "Member-elect" status, and potentially future restrictions in re-applying. All such is summarized in a final "Ratification/Termination" Notice to the "Member-eledt".


Due Review

"Election" is the process of the Organization's internal "due review" of the Nominee's provided information by the applicable "reviewing body(s), committee(s), or Officer(s)".

For VIP!'s Members, the team includes both a medical and sociological expert, and our senior Staff. We utilize our proven, internal checklists, and collective, successful experience in "supported living", and rigor to make a fair determination of suitability and potential for long-term success as a Member.

Such THOROUGHLY, EQUITABLY, and carefully, with due legal regard, review the Nominee's provided information. Each reviewer does so with honor of our Values, Vision, Mission and purposes as expressed within, pursuant to their applicable written Agreement's with the Organization, and with fiduciary responsibility to the Organization.

Such then "vote" on the Nominee's candidacy. Unless otherwise stated or provided for in our Policies or Bylaws, UNANIMOUS CONSENTING VOTE IS REQUIRED for "Election". A Nominee receiving such vote is considered (receives Status) as "Nominee-elect" or "Nominee Confirmed". If less than Majority Vote is received, the Nominee is notified of such outcome, and without further action, discussion or Notice. If a Majority vote is received, but not unanimous, the Nominee is contacted with the deficiency(s), and the Nominee is provided thirty (30) days to submit additional documentation to rectify the deficiency. Due review, and Vote will occur again, a second and final time, to determine if unanimous support can be achieved.


The "Membership Election" process is complete upon the Nominee-elect's:

  • WRITTEN "confirmation" or "acceptance" of his/her "Election". Such must be IN WRITING, typically via email, through written Letter sent to our Corporate Headquarters (Contact Page) is acceptable; and
  • PAYMENT of ANNUAL "Membership Dues", any other applicable finanical committments, and any other applicable Organizational paperwork that the Nominee/Elect/Candidate was already aware of.

  • Re-Application!

    Applicants who are "Denied" Membership MAY re-apply after one (1) year. We unfortunately do not possess the resources to review multiple Membership Applications sooner than that by one individual. Circumstances may change in a person's life, however, and we respect this, so offer a reasonable re-application period of one (1) year.

    Applicants who are "Denied" twice (2X), may not apply again. The Organization will not accept any new Registrations, nor will we respond any further to such Registrants or Applicants. We apologize in advance for any inconveniences.

    Members or "Member-elect" individuals who are "Terminated" from Membership due to non-compliance with our Policies, must either wait an EXTENDED period of five (5) years, OR, for a severe class of non-compliance determined solely by the Board in it decision to "Terminate" an individual for such, are never allowed to re-apply again. We expect this case will never, or rarely occur, but it is provided for. For that individual, or any designee, the Organization will not accept any new Registrations, nor respond further to Registrations or Applications. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience but we have service to the many well-meaning individuals who need our care to attend to.

    Nomination and Election of Directors (from each Membership Class electing Directors (A-F)!

    aHAND4 ® Life! permits the following methods of "Director Nomination"

    Director Nomination by Members of their Class

    Any Member in their Class may "Nominate" any other Member in that Class or any open (or soon to be OPEN) Director position. Members MAY NOT Nominate any non-Members (any Class), to a Directorship position. The only method to Directorship, is first thru Membership. The Member should recommended to their colleague, to "Register!", and then Apply for Membership first.

    Director Nominations by Directors

    Directors may also nominate a Member from any Class to fill an OPEN (or soon to be OPEN) Director position in that Class.)

    To facilitate a full and effective Board, as provided for and pursuant to our Articles, Directors may also "directly" RECOMMEND to the Chairman and President, a Director Nominee for any Class Director OPENING of an individual from OUTSIDE the Organization.

    Both Chairman and President must meet and unanimously agree to such Nomination, and document such in Directors Subcommittee meeting Minutes for the Corporate Record-book. The Nominee will be notified in writing, and then must accept their Nomination for Directorship (directly), by completing the standard process to become a Member. This begins with Registration, and concludes with Membership Application and Director Member Committee Review and Denial/Acceptance, and Board Ratification.

    Nomination and Election Periods

    Nominations will be accepted by the Organization at any time. They are typically offered, and the Organization more actively solicits, when a current Director position will be opening within twelve (12) months. The process to ID proper candidates is time-consuming, so we allow sufficient time for such.

    Elections are held in EVERY Meeting of the Directors, as is necessary to the business of the Organization, as determined solely by the Chairman, and the Agenda for such meeting. Such is typically provided for by Consent Agenda, though if unanimous Board Consent is not provided, such will be discussed by the Board in the meeting, and managed appropriately pursuant to our Bylaws.

    Contact Us if you have Questions!

    If any potential Nominee candidate, Nominee, Nominee-elect, Registrant candidate, Registrant, Applicant candidate, Applicant-elect, etc. have any questions or concerns regarding our Policies that may or may not affect, or are applicable, please contact us via our link on this site, or by email at [email protected], or by US postal mail

    USE OF OUR SITE to engage in Nomination, Election, Registration and/or Application, SIGNIFIES YOUR AGREEMENT TO OUR TERMS OF USE AND OUR PRIVACY AND SECURITY POLICIES. aH4L! reserves the right to change these policies at any time, though if you are "in-process" of any of the above (N, E, R, A), we will notify you at that time of any potential impact on you. Since any such changes will be posted on this page, we encourage you to check this page regularly! Your continued use of the Site constitutes your acceptance of such changes.