• woman excited arms, pulling for you, saying Matching 
                 NEEDS & LIVING
			    	 Public Giving! ™
                          CA CR Title 11 §999.2 Public Benefit Co.  
                               US CR Title26 §501c3 Tax Exempt 
                                      Since May 2009
  • grin and bearing man clenching arms, pulling for you saying Defending 
       the HUMAN SPIRIT 
            of VIP!s 
	    An easy, yet 
              TERRIBLE THING
		         TO CRUSH! ™
                         CA CR Title11 §999.2 Public Benefit Co.  
                              US CR Title26 §501c3 “Tax Exempt” 
                                   Since May 2009
  • lovely woman with extatic head-turning grin and arms, saying Becoming a   
             for  VIP!s
          PEOPLE with a Chronic, 
               Significant, Physical
                  Disability due to 

	                   CA CR Title 11 §999.2 Public Benefit Corp,  
                                  US CR Title26 §501c3 “Tax Exempt”, 
                                       Since May 2009
aHAND4 Life! - Silver Sponsorship!

Silver Sponsorship!


What it means!

Silver Sponsorship is well appreciated by our Organization! It is most often voluntary, but required, on a value basis, for various Programs requiring Sponsorship.

It is granted with a Simple Letter Agreement, and annual cash donation of $500 to $999 (year-to-date, and giving level upgrade may occur at any time!)

It is worth noting, Silver Sponsorship MEETS the basic giving level requirement of even our esteemed Class E (Professional) Directors!, who must meet Silver-level giving to hold their appointment. Obviously Directors have other responsibilities though, but, Silver Sponsors are WELL appreciated!

Silver Sponsor Benefits & Courtesy Gifts! **

  • • Recognition on most aHAND4 Life! Promo materials (website, flyers, etc.)
  • • Invite, recognition, "Directors'-table" seating at Public Events & Fundraisers
  • • Invite, recognition & "Directors'-table" seating at various Private Events
  • • Preferred Gold Sponsor Plaque
  • • Premium Courtesy Gift(e.g. coffee mug, Shirt, etc.)

* Please NOTE: aHAND4 Life! reserves it's right to refuse or cancel Sponsorship, and refuse or return/refund any (provided) donation(s) from any Individual, Corporation, Company, Organization, etc. where we, in our sole discretion determine or learn the values and public character and image of the donor are not well consistent with our Organization's Beginnings, Values, Vision, Mission, Articles, Bylaws, Policies, Programs, and/or Membership, etc.

* Please NOTE: Donator may decline some or all gifts, to save donation funds!