• woman excited arms, pulling for you, saying Matching 
                 NEEDS & LIVING
			    	 Public Giving! ™
                          CA CR Title 11 §999.2 Public Benefit Co.  
                               US CR Title26 §501c3 Tax Exempt 
                                      Since May 2009
  • grin and bearing man clenching arms, pulling for you saying Defending 
       the HUMAN SPIRIT 
            of VIP!s 
	    An easy, yet 
              TERRIBLE THING
		         TO CRUSH! ™
                         CA CR Title11 §999.2 Public Benefit Co.  
                              US CR Title26 §501c3 “Tax Exempt” 
                                   Since May 2009
  • lovely woman with extatic head-turning grin and arms, saying Becoming a   
             for  VIP!s
          PEOPLE with a Chronic, 
               Significant, Physical
                  Disability due to 

	                   CA CR Title 11 §999.2 Public Benefit Corp,  
                                  US CR Title26 §501c3 “Tax Exempt”, 
                                       Since May 2009


Compliance, California

  • aHAND4 ® Life! is committed to Quality &Excellence in all our Operations, and to COMPLIANCE with all applicable Statutes & Regulations - Federal, State, County & Local Ordinances, which the following demonstrate. For such we work diligently with "the Authorities" and our "Contractual Overseers" to assure successful "Supported Living", toward Independence, for all our VIP! Members & VIP! Clients - as well as for all our general Membership, including Directors, Advisors and Staff! Codes and Regulations NOT listed as complied with, we consider "Not Applicable (N/A)" to our Operations, and we do not take measure for compliance.

Section I - General

1). California's (Statutory) Law is found on it's "Legislative Information" Website.

In summary aHAND4 ® Life! shall COMPLY with all Statutes & Regulations of the State of California applicable to our Operations.

Such Statutes begin with those governing our existence as a Corporation (see Section below). Statutes continue with those codified in the Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC), particularly for people with Developmental Disabilities (see such Section below). The "Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act" has been codified in to California's WIC (We NOTE however, Title 14 of the Government Code, "Early Intervention Services" is NOT APPLICABLE to aH4L! - we have no such Operations). Finally, Regulations, as put forth by various State Agencies (mainly DDS), as adopted by the State Legislature, are also applicable to aH4L!'s Operations as put forth.

And regarding such, it is clear throughout our Website, our Operations contain a clearly defined set of activities for the purpose of "Serving/Supporting" VIP!s who have a developmental disability compliant under WIC (shown below), and in a manner as apportioned/appropriated by the State to promote their INDEPENDENCE/Self-Reliance. WITH State oversight, VIP!s may participate with us as EITHER a VIP! Member OR VIP! Client (though not both simultaneously, the delimitation is only by their financial status - VIP! Members are of qualified by low level of Income and Financial Networth, that which can be documented as "at, below or near U.S. poverty level", adjusted for the cost of living in the VIP!s chosen Community.

2). aHAND4 Life! maintains a state of "Readiness" for Inspection or Audit

Finally, in all the above, aHAND4 ® Life! works diligently to comply, and maintain a "continued state of readiness" for 1) Inspection by Competent Authority(s) in jurisdiction - both "Announced" and "unannouced", or 2) 1) Quality Audit (with both, Policy, requiring accompaniment by an Officer of aH4L! Inc.)

3). aHAND4 Life! OFFERS SERVICES (& THINGS!) BEYOND that Federal or State appropriations!

  • aHAND4 ® Life! duly notes, that by virtue of our status as a Public Benefit Corporation (CA Corp Code) and our national IRS-granted status as "Tax-exempt" (501c3), WE CAN OFFER VIP!s SELECT SERVICES (and THINGS!) BEYOND THAT WHICH ARE PROVIDED FOR (appropriated) by the State, and governed by WIC and related State Regulations. As well, we can EXCEED offerings by many Federal Programs. We offer such as defined in our Programs FREE to VIP! Members (as part of their Membership), and at negotiated rates based on ability to pay to our VIP! Clients.
  • Please NOTE1: Regulations are not reprinted here - only excerpts. Please click helpful links provided, or consult your own resources.
    Please NOTE2: We issue specific Disclaimers which assist us in assuring those we interact with work WITH us to assure our Compliance.
    Please NOTE3: If you have Questions or Concerns re: our Compliance, please Contact Us (button below).
    Please NOTE4: Our Compliance as described above is defined in the Sections below.

Section II - California Corporate Code

aHAND4 ® Life!) shall comply with all Regulations governing Corporations, in the Corporations Code, Title 1 for "Corporations", applicable to Division 2 (Nonprofit Corporation law) and Part 2 thereof (Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporations)

Section II - Welfare & Institutions Code

1). WIC - Developmental Disability Services

a). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 4, Business Regulations - APPLIES SIGNIFICANTLY - The California Welfare & Institutions Code predominantly governs all aH4L!'s Operations in California for VIP!s

Read More - Welfare & Institutions Code

2). WIC Division 4.5 - Services for the Developmental Disabled ("Lanterman Act")

b). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, WIC Division 4.5, "Services for the Developmentally Disabled" - APPLIES SUBSTANTIALLY - predominantly governs all our Operations for VIP!s. aH4L! notes this division saying "this division shall be known and may be cited as the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act.

i). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Chapter 1, "Title and Intent" - APPLIES MAINLY - aH4L! notes the main NON-APPLICABLE elements are 1) "young children" (e.g. infants and toddlers) - aH4L! is interested in support in Education, Secondary level Students, and otherwise, with approximately seventeen year old (17 yr old) ("soon to be Adult"), VIP! interested in moving in to their OWN "supported living environment" (e.g. Apartment). As well, "State Mental Hospital/Institutions" DO NOT apply to aH4L! Operations as our Clients have only PHYSICAL Developmental Disabilities.

ii). aH4L!® AFFIRMS THAT ALL THE FOLLOWING CHAPTERS APPLY, GENERALLY, INDIRECTLY, AND ONLY CONSISTENT WITH OUR COMMENTS made FOR Chapter 1, "Title and Intent" ABOVE (i.e. our Limited Service Scope) - aH4L! notes such are "general provisions", but do relate substantially to our Operations for VIP!s.

- Chapter 1.3, Persons with Developmental Disabilities Bill of Rights; and

- Chapter 1.6, General Provisions:

A). aH4L!® EXPRESSLY AFFIRMS FIRSTLY, that for the purpose of qualifying as a "Vendor" and thereby maximizing its opportunity to received State Appropriated/Apportioned funding to Serve/Support VIP!s, it Programs are carefully constructed and offered only to aH4L! VIP!s (PCSPDD) which are Vetted/Screened to assure compliance with the legal requirements of Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) 4512 “Developmental disability (DD)” and California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 17. Public Health; Division 2. Health and Welfare Agency -Department of Developmental Services Regulations; Chapter 3. Community Services; Subchapter 1. General; Article 1. Definitions: § 54000 "Developmental Disability (DD)".

aH4L!® EXPRESSLY AFFIRMS we assure EACH VIP! has a formal, official DIAGNOSED DISABILITY which MEETS the following REQUIREMENTS:

1. "a disability that originates before an individual attains 18 years of age [WIC 4512 (1), Title 17 54000 (a)]"; AND

2. "Continues, or can be expected to continue, indefinitely [WIC 4512 (2), Title 17 54000 (b)]"; AND

3. "Constitutes a "substantial disability" for that individual [WIC 4512 (3), Title 17 54000 (c)]". aH4L!® EXPRESSLY AFFIRMS we THEN assure EACH VIP! diagnosed disability assures THAT SUCH:

i) and is SOLELY NEUROLOGICAL IN NATURE (i.e. is NEUROLOGICALLY-BASED, e.g. often "cerebral palsy", "epilepsy", "dystonias", "multiple sclerosis", "muscular dystrophy" and related

ii). disabling conditions (are) found to be closely related to intellectual disability or to require treatment similar to that required for individuals with an intellectual disability requires treatment similar to that required for "individuals with an intellectual disability" (i.e. "mental retardation"), AND, which is further clarified in the WIC code and by aH4L!®) AS:

a). "This term shall include , but shall not include other handicapping conditions which are solely physical in nature."

disabling conditions found to be closely related to intellectual disability or to require treatment similar to that required for individuals with an intellectual disability

b) and then for WIC 4512 1 and 2, are reiterated identically as 1 anwhich then for the terms "solely physical in nature", California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 17. Public Health; Division 2. Health and Welfare Agency -Department of Developmental Services Regulations; Chapter 3. Community Services; Subchapter 1. General; Article 1. Definitions: § 54000, (c), (3) CLARIFIES: "These conditions include congenital anomalies or conditions acquired through disease, accident, or faulty development which are not associated with a neurological impairment that results in a need for treatment similar to that required for mental retardation." **c). SO then, in accordance with our Articles, and Policies including our Mission, and because we wish to be compliant with CA Statute and Regulations appropriating as much financial support for VIP!s as possible, aH4L!® AFFIRMS we further vett (screen/confirm) to CONFIRM COMPLIANCE with 3 a) and b), according to i), ii) and iii) BELOW, as SUITABLE compliPRIOR to accepting a VIP! Member or Client candidate Application for Membership (by Agreement) or "Service for Fee" (by Service Contract), that their Disability is confirmed AS (duly, by determination Letter written recently (within three (3) months, by a competent authority (appropriately Specialized and Licensed Physician, with our sole discretion to request a "second Physician opinion" Letter to resolve any "ambiguities"]: iii) and whether was "due to an Accident" (as opposed to "Congenital (present from birth), or "Due to Disease" - THOUGH given i) and ii), aH4L!® AFFIRMS we also PERMIT/ACCEPT a VIP! candidate for "VIP! status if such "Determination Letter" indicates either of the latter (i.e., is NOT due to an Accident). because in such clause (3) EXPRESSLY STATES "neurological impairment that results in a need for treatment similar to that required for mental retardation" ARE WITHIN SCOPE OF a "Developmental Disability" AS DEFINED BY (AND APPROPRIATED UNDER) TITLE 17 OF THE STATE OF CA. aH4L!® AFFIRMS ALSO THAT WE VETT AND PERMIT VIP! CANDIDATEs WHOSE DISABILITY WAS , particularly because such meets the intent of WIC 4512 (1) above (before 18yrs of age), OR DISEASE, again, AS LONG AS ALL three (3) Conditions 1, 2, 3 above are met, and are NEUROLOGICALLY BASED. aH4L!® FURTHER AFFIRMS, THAT WE EXCLUDE individuals from becoming a "VIP!", if their disability was due to "an ACCIDENT", even if 1), 2, and 3) apply, all as duly determined by a competent authority (i.e. "written formal letter by an appropriately specialized Physician, and with a "second Physician opinion" letter). **i). SO aH4L!® AFFIRMS we vett (confirm) prior to engagement that a VIP! Member or Client candidate (for Membership (Agreement) or "Service for Fee" (Contract)), that each VIP!s Disability is confirmed as THEN we also ACCEPT such disability being "CONGENITAL (from time of birth)", OR "Due to Disease". aH4L!® AFFIRMS, however, that we EXCLUDE those VIP! candidates with disability being due to ANY OTHER cause than as thusly defined as "ACCEPTED" here in i), and must include the prerequisite conditions of 1, 2, and 3 above. ii) aH4L!® AFFIRMS regarding our clarification of 3. above, per i) above, that such are COMPLIANT with CA WIC statute and CA Title 17 Regulation referenced above, (c) (3), because in such clause (3) EXPRESSLY STATES "neurological impairment that results in a need for treatment similar to that required for mental retardation" ARE WITHIN SCOPE OF a "Developmental Disability" AS DEFINED BY (AND APPROPRIATED UNDER) TITLE 17 OF THE STATE OF CA. aH4L!® AFFIRMS ALSO THAT WE VETT AND PERMIT VIP! CANDIDATEs WHOSE DISABILITY WAS , particularly because such meets the intent of WIC 4512 (1) above (before 18yrs of age), OR DISEASE, again, AS LONG AS ALL three (3) Conditions 1, 2, 3 above are met, and are NEUROLOGICALLY BASED. aH4L!® FURTHER AFFIRMS, THAT WE EXCLUDE individuals from becoming a "VIP!", if their disability was due to "an ACCIDENT", even if 1), 2, and 3) apply, all as We affirm the reason for this is simply, we do not have sufficient resources to serve this population, as a majority of our funds are "Public" (either Donated or Appropriated) and we find neither such tend to wish to support, AND, our observation is it seems most often such people are already covered under some sort of other "long-term" "private insurance", or "damage awards" (from suit) - the LATTER TWO OF WHICH aH4L!® AFFIRMS WE DULY VETT/CONFIRM NO VIP! of aH4L! is qualified for, OR receives. b). where aH4L!® AFFIRMS the exclusion of "Solely Physical in Nature" DOES NOT APPLY, as further clarified in the . ** aH4L!® NOTES: The CA WIC and Title 17 "DD" Appropriations/Apportionments are fairly broad within such population . A LARGE NUMBER IN THE DD POPULATION (est. ~6%, or 7K people, 2011) of the people determined by the Director of Developmental Services (in consultation with the Superintendent of Public Instruction) -

§ 54000, (c), (3) STATES:
"These conditions (solely physical in nature) include congenital anomalies or conditions acquired through disease, accident, or faulty development which are not associated with a neurological impairment that results in a need for treatment similar to that required for mental retardation

iv). aH4L!'S purpose is to EXCEL in a QUALIFIED SEGMENT (our Core Competency) of people with a "Developmental Disability" as duly defined; so aH4L! REQUIRES there be only the most MILD of intellectual impairment, AND NO behavioral impairment - which otherwise aH4L! believes SUBSTANTIALLY "interferes" with a persons ability to live and growing successfully in Independence/Self-Reliance, "AS A GOOD NEIGHBOR" as and INDIVIDUAL in the Community, in a "supported living" environment - and we believe imposes numerous increased "expertise" requirements (and thereby Cost/Efficiency (and to the State and Government (its Burden), as well as Effectiveness - for the servicing ("Vendor") Organization.

v). aH4L!'s fully SUPPORT for the Executives' definition that "IN ABSENCE OF THE ABOVE", "but shall not include other handicapping conditions that are solely physical in nature." ; and

i). e.g. our VIP!s MAY NOT BE those with an "intellectual disability" (other than potentially VERY MILD, IQ GREATER THAN (>) approximately 65-70);
ii). e.g. our VIP!s MAY NOT BE those with any of the "spectrum/behavior" disorders, commonly known as "autism";

iii). i.e. the remainder of the list of people (est. 110K people, "DDS 2011 Fact Book") determined by the Director of Developmental Services (in consultation with the Superintendent of Public Instruction)

** aH4L!® EXPRESSLY AFFIRMS SECONDLY, BEYOND those situations where we wish to be qualified as a "Vendor", and thereby to maximize our opportunity as a CA Public Benefit Corporation, and and IRS "Tax-Exempt" Public Charity, to be able to Serve/Support the broadest population of VIP!s possibl

- Chapter 3, CA Developmental Disabilities State Plan; and
- Chapter 4, Quality Assessments; and
- Chapter 5, Regional Centers for Persons with Developmental Disabilities; and
- Chapter 7, Appeal Procedure; and
- Chapter 8, Evaluation; and
- Chapter 9, Budgetary Process and Financial Provisions; and
- Chapter 10, Judicial Review; and
- Chapter 11, Guardianship and Conservatorship; and
- Chapter 12, Community Living Continuums; and
- Chapter 14, Employment; and
- Chapter 15, Qualified ABLE Program; and

iii). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Chapter 6, Development and Support of Community Facilities and Programs - APPLIES SUBSTANTIALLY, BUT MAINLY for Programs, though LIMITED "Facilities" capability is available by aH4L! - aH4L! finds that its Staff, by their qualifications and expertise, and resources of aH4L! are well-positioned to contribute and develop "solutions" which can benefit VIP!s and State, pursuant to this Statute; and

iv). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Chapter 13, Habilitation Services for persons with Developmental Disabilities - APPLIES Mainly to ONE (1) Program, and subprogram(s) - aHAND4 FINANCES!, subprogram aHAND4 Jobs!, and aHAND4 A Business! can provide offerings to VIP! which are within Scope of this Statute.

c). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, WIC Division 4.7, Protection and Advocacy Agency - APPLIES INDIRECTLY, significantly aH4L! is fully supportive in its Operations for VIP!s in the purpose and policies of, and shall comply with, the Protection and Advocacy Agency. Such Agency provides independent oversight for VIP!s in their life, for "complaints", which we support as a valid VIP! right. We are striving to be the HIGHEST Quality ("Best-in-class") Provider to VIP!s, so we fully expect our interactions with this Agency to be minimal for VIP!s registering complaints against our Organization. Possibly we can assist the Agency in the BUSINESS of improving Agencies found deficient/non-compliant. We can assist for reasonable business consulting fee.

As well, aH4L! SUBSCRIBES to the intent of the majority of Definitions established for/by this Agency in CA, Chapter 1, paragraph 4900, AND will attempt to utilize in our Operations in the State of California whereever possible and not confusing (or contradictory) to definitions we've established for ourselves.

Read More - WIC, Div 4.7, 4900

2). Department of Developmental Services (DDS)

a). aH4L!® ACKNOWLEDGES and SUPPORTS the role of California's Department of Developmental Services (DDS) - such is THE State Agency with the highest level of oversight for all "Vendors" as aH4L!, over "State-sponsored/Apportioned" Services & Programs for VIP!s - all MAINLY in accordance with WIC as stateed above, AND Title 17, as stated below.

Read More - California DDS

Section III - California Code of Regulations (as per State Agencies)


a). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 1, General Provisions - APPLIES, as applicable to aH4L! - aH4L! shall comply with all such applicable Regulations; and

b). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 2, Administration - APPLIES INDIRECTLY - though aH4L! itself is not an "Administrator" or "Administrative Agency" of the State of California as Chartered and defined under the Regulations, aH4L! DOES interact with the State directly, and any Agencies apportioned by the State for the "lives and living" of VIP!s. We particularly interact with those where Funding has been appropriated, so we can offer highly valuable Service/Support aligned with our Mission. Therefore, aH4L! shall comply with all such applicable Regulations; and

c). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 4, Business Regulations - APPLIES, as applicable - aH4L! shall comply with all such applicable Regulations to maintain our Business in "good standing" in the State of California; and

d). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 5, Education - APPLIES, limited extent - aH4L!'s aHAND4 Education & Tutoring! Program:

- is primarily intended to provide "Service/Support" for "Education and Tutoring" under different Regulation than this ("Title 17 apportionments" - see Title 17 below). Thereby, as we are qualified, and duly engaged to offer our Program Services, we intend to primarily tutor at the levels of: Secondary (grades 9-12) and Post-Secondary (Associate (2yr) or Bachelors (4yr)); and

- DOES however intend to leverage identified State and Private institution human resource neeeds where we are Competent. So aH4L! shall comply with applicable Regulations for Tutoring (e.g. § 58168. Tutoring and § 58170. Apportionment for Tutoring), as our resources permit, and again, as we are qualified, and then duly engaged for Service.

e). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 9, Rehabilitative and Developmental Services - IS INTENDED WILL APPLY, TO VERY LIMITED EXTENT - aH4L!'s aHAND4 Jobs! and My Business! Programs shall comply with all applicable sections of Division 3 Department of Rehabilitation, i.e., those for which VIP!s are qualified for, and for which aH4L! itself must qualify for and become an "authorized Vendor to the State"; and

f). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 17, Public Health - APPLIES, to significant extent - aH4L!'s Operations predominantly exist under such Regulation so we can "Serve/Support" VIP!s Members or VIP! Clients as our Programs define. So aH4L! shall comply with all applicable Regulations hereunder, for which VIP!s are qualified for, and for which aH4L! itself must qualify for and become an "authorized Vendor to the State". Because of the significant extent of our Operations hereunder, please see Section below for details regarding intended Compliance, and elements of the Regulation we believe are "Not Applicable (N/A)", including those which we claiming an "Exemption"; and

g). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 25, Housing & Community Development - APPLIES, limited extent - aH4L!'s aHAND4 Safe Havens! intends to work with the Community to develop Affordable, Accessible Housing including units, using "Universal Design", for VIP! affordable living, "in perpetuity". So aH4L! shall comply with all applicable Regulations applicable to our Operations. Please check back periodically for updates to learn of our potential Title 9 Compliance

* NOTE: aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Operations are "growing", in our "Startup Phase". Please check back periodically for updates for our CA compliance

2). OVERVIEW (CCR) - we DO NOT perform Operations other than those governed by Titles above, AS:

aHAND4 ® Life! offers the following additional commentary to HELP CLARIFY our Operations and WHY we consider the following listed Titles as "Not-Applicable (N/A)" We do not wish to have any confusion in the mind of our eaders, VIP!s, the Public, any involved Stakeholders, Members, Staff, Suppliers, etc. Please Contact Us if you have any questions.

We DO NOT OPERATE in any manner governed by a Regulation (Title of the CCR) NOT listed above - EVEN THOUGH SOME Programs/Subprograms and Services offered by aH4L! "BEAR SIMILARITY to" subject matter governed by such CCR Regulations (Titles) not listed above. Therefore we intend no specific compliance to any Title NOT listed above, but offer the following commentary for the purpose stated above. PLEASE NOTE ALL THE FOLLOWING THEN, and SEE ALSO our Disclaimers Policy for support of this/our LIMITATION OF SERVICE SCOPE (relative to the CCR):

a. aH4L!® AFFIRMS, aH4L! offers NO "EMERGENCY", OR "LIFE-SUPPORT" or "LIFE-SUSTAINING" (e.g. "911") or equivalent Services or THINGS!. THUS EXEMPTED FROM OUR SERVICES ARE MANY SERVICES PROVIDED THE PUBLIC THROUGH OTHER BUSINESSES, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING: i) WE DO NOT provide any 911 Service or support; and ii) WE DO NOT provide ANY Services such as "Nurse Practioner", or the like, OR ANY WHICH REQUIRE State Licensing, Accreditation or Certification. WE ARE HOWEVER: i) LAWFULLY CONDUCTING ALL OUR BUSINESS ACTIVITIES, and are duly Registered with all the State and local municipalities in which we operate; AND ii) providing "24 Phone Support" to provide a reasonably responsive (30minutes or so, TYPICAL), direct (TeleSupport (Audio, and Video as possible) "line of support" "to assist" VIP!'s with questions and concerns they have regarding their "YOUR Life Plan!"; AND iii) utilizing "direct/hands-on/in-home Staff (those that work directly with VIP!s) who are bi-annually (every other year) Certified in "First-Aid" - all four (4) levels [CPR Level C, Emergeny First Aid, Standard First Aid, and Health Care Provider (HCP)].

b. aH4L!® AFFIRMS, It is the EXPRESSED WRITTEN POLICY OF aH4L!, THAT WE MAKE NO CHOICES FOR VIP!'s - EACH MAKES ALL THEIR OWN "life and living" "CHOICES", at their SOLE discretion, or by their lawful Guardian or Conservator (or also Parent if applicable, if VIP! is yet a Minor) - ALL WHO ARE KNOWN TO BE CAPABLE AND RESPONSIBLE FOR THE VIP!'s CHOICES (i.e. of their OWN FULL CONSIDERATION AND UNDERSTANDING, and THEN "INFORMED CONSENT") - SO NONE IS REQUIRED BY aH4L! Any "comments" or "guidance" offered by aH4L! Staff to VIP!'s is offered ONLY as: 1) one would receive from a "trusted family member or friend"; OR 2) is consistent and supportive of ANY advisement, prescription, written order, etc. that the VIP! HAS ALREADY BEEN DULY ADVISED OF, lawfully, by their paid Professional(s) (e.g. licensed, Certified, etc. "XYZ", etc.). We utilize ONLY "OUR Best Practices (which we define as that based on our duly qualified and reviewed and accepted (by VIP! and Experience and Judgment) from our own lives and life in Communities. We ENCOURAGE each VIP! regularly TO SEEK & ENGAGE AN APPROPRIATE, QUALIFIED and/or LICENSED PROFESSIONAL(s) wherever possible for a particular matter. We do this to for "our full and diligent disclosure", AND the edification/awareness of each VIP!, and therefore their INFORMED CONSENT; and obviously to appropriately limit our liability so we can continue to offer our Valued, Cost-competitive (reducing the Burden to Government) Services to the greatest possible number of VIP!s in need; and


c). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 3, Food and Agriculture - DOES NOT APPLY to aH4L!. Though aH4L! serves & supports to assist VIP! Members or Clients with "food-related" matters in the CARE! Program, and Caregiving! SubProgram, "toward INDEPENDENCE and self-reliance", in their "Supported Living Environment", such is intended to be governed by Title 17, and so this Title is "NOT applicable (N/A)". Further, CARE! Programs DO NOT EXIST to offer any Services (or THINGS!) which are "professional" dietary Programs or "Directions", or "Medical Prescriptions", or any other "Professional" advice or Goods or Supplies, in regard to any food, plant, horticulture, eating, treatment, or raising of livestock or any other "animal use, care, grooming, etc.; and

d). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 5, Education - DOES NOT PREDOMINANTLY APPLY to aH4L!. Though aH4L! serves & supports to assist VIP! Members or Clients with "Education-related" matters in the CARE! program (and "Education & Tutoring subprogram"), "toward INDEPENDENCE and "self-reliance" in their "Supported Living Environment" under their "YOUR Life Plan!", such is intended to be governed by Title 17, and so this Title is "NOT applicable (N/A)" - OTHER THAN "TUTORING Services" (as in Sect I). Further, CARE! Program, and the Education & Tutoring! subProgram, AND ALL OTHER aH4L! Programs and sub-programs, DO NOT EXIST to offer any Services (or THINGS!) which are to be considered "formal education" or an "education center" or "classroom", etc., all of which aH4L! believes requires separate State licensing (such as a Educator, Teacher, Advisor, Trainer, Coach, Administrator, Guidance Counselor, etc.); and

e). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 10, Investment - DOES NOT APPLY to aH4L!. Though aH4L! serves & supports to assist VIP! Members or Clients with "Finance-related" matters, "toward INDEPENDENCE and "self-reliance" in their "Supported Living Environment" under their "YOUR Life Plan!", such is intended to be governed by Title 17, and so this Title is "NOT applicable (N/A)". Further, FINANCES! Program and subprograms, AND ALL OTHER aH4L! Programs and sub-programs, DO NOT EXIST TO OFFER any "professional" "financial planning advice" or "CPA advisements", etc., all of which aH4L! believes requires separate State licensing (such as a Financial Planner, Broker, CPA, etc.); and

f). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 11, Law - DOES NOT APPLY to aH4L!. Though aH4L! serves & supports to assist VIP! Members or Clients with "legal living and disability rights-related" matters, "toward INDEPENDENCE and "self-reliance" in their "Supported Living Environment" under their "YOUR Life Plan!", such is intended to be governed by Title 17, and so this Title is "NOT applicable (N/A)". Further, LEGAL! Program and subprograms, AND ALL OTHER aH4L! Programs and sub-programs, DO NOT EXIST TO OFFER any "professional" "legal advice" or "legal advisements", , all of which aH4L! believes requires separate State licensing (such as a Attorney, Paralegal, Mediator, Arbitrator, Counselor, etc.); and

g). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 13, Motor Vehicles - DOES NOT APPLY to aH4L!. Though aH4L! serves & supports to assist VIP! Members or Clients with "transportation-related" assistance, "toward INDEPENDENCE and "self-reliance" in their "Supported Living Environment" under their "YOUR Life Plan!", such is intended to be governed by Title 17, and so this Title is "NOT applicable (N/A)". Further, our specialized Transportation is available only for the "Specialized transportation needs/requirements" of VIP!s, under their "YOUR Life Plan!" (i.e. our Services ARE NOT open to the Public)/. And NO OTHER aH4L! Program, including those under CARE! or its sub-programs, offer any Services (or THINGS!) regulated under this Title, including any which lawfully require State licensing (such as a Taxi, Limosine, Ambulance, or any other Paramedic or Rescue Vehicle); and

h). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 16, Professional & Vocational - DOES NOT APPLY to aH4L!. Though aH4L! serves & supports to assist VIP! Members or Clients with "Profession, Job, Business and Education-related" matters, "toward INDEPENDENCE and "self-reliance" in their "Supported Living Environment" under their "YOUR Life Plan!", such is intended to be governed by Title 17, and so this Title is "NOT applicable (N/A)". Further, FINANCES! and Education & Tutoring! and ALL OTHER aH4L! Program and subprograms DO NOT EXIST TO OFFER any "professional" "financial planning advice" or "CPA advisements", OR "Formal Education" training, which all lawfully require State licensing (such as a University, Community College, Recreation Center, Activity Center, School, Training Center, etc.); and

i). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 18, Public Revenue - DOES NOT APPLY to aH4L!. Though aH4L! serves & supports to assist VIP! Members or Clients with "Finance-related" matters, "toward INDEPENDENCE and "self-reliance" in their "Supported Living Environment" under their "YOUR Life Plan!", such is intended to be governed by Title 17, and so this Title is "NOT applicable (N/A)". Further, FINANCES! and ALL OTHER aH4L! Program and subprograms DO NOT EXIST TO OFFER any "professional" "financial planning advice" or "CPA advisements", etc., all of which aH4L! believes requires separate State licensing (such as a Financial Planner, Broker, CPA, etc.); and

j). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 19, Public Safety - DOES NOT APPLY to aH4L!. Though aH4L! serves & supports to assist VIP! Members or Clients with "care, and caregiving-related" matters in the CARE! Program, and Caregiving! SubProgram, "toward INDEPENDENCE and self-reliance", in their "Supported Living Environment", such is intended to be governed by Title 17, and so this Title is "NOT applicable (N/A)". Further, CARE! and ALL OTHER aH4L! Programs and Sub-programs DO NOT EXIST to offer any Services (or THINGS!) which are "professional" dietary Programs or "Directions", or "Medical Prescriptions", or any other "Professional" advice or Goods or Supplies, in regard to any food, plant, horticulture, eating, treatment, or raising of livestock or any other "animal use, care, grooming, etc., all of which aH4L! believes requires separate State licensing (such as a Dietician, Physician, Psychologist, Nurse, Nurse Practioner, Physiatrist, Physiologist, Neurologist, or any other Medical Specialty, Veternarian, Animal Rescue, or Animal Care and Boarding, etc.); and

k). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 20, Public Utilities & Energy - DOES NOT APPLY to aH4L!. Though aH4L! serves & supports to assist VIP! Members or Clients with "HOMES!" related" matters, "toward INDEPENDENCE and "self-reliance" in their "Supported Living Environment" under their "YOUR Life Plan!", such is intended to be governed by Title 17, and so this Title is "NOT applicable (N/A)". Further, HOMES! AND ALL OTHER aH4L! Programs and subprograms DO NOT EXIST TO OFFER any Services (or THINGS!) regulated under this Title, including any which lawfully require State licensing. Any "Comments" and "guidance" we offer VIP!'s is only offered EITHER as 1) one would receive from a "trusted family member or friend", OR 2) as the VIP! has been duly advised lawfully by their paid Professional(s) (e.g. licensed "XYZ", etc.); and

l). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 21, Public Works - DOES NOT APPLY to aH4L!. Though aH4L! serves & supports to assist VIP! Members or Clients with "HOMES!" related" matters, "toward INDEPENDENCE and "self-reliance" in their "Supported Living Environment" under their "YOUR Life Plan!", such is intended to be governed by Title 17, and so this Title is "NOT applicable (N/A)". NO aH4L! Program, including HOMES! or its sub-programs, offer any Services (or THINGS!) regulated under this Title, including any which lawfully require State licensing. Any "Comments" and "guidance" we offer VIP!'s is only offered EITHER as 1) one would receive from a "trusted family member or friend", OR 2) as the VIP! has been duly advised lawfully by their paid Professional(s) (e.g. licensed "XYZ", etc.); and

m). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 22, Social Security - DOES NOT APPLY to aH4L!. Though aH4L! serves & supports to assist VIP! Members or Clients with "NUMEROUS" matters related to life and living, "toward INDEPENDENCE and "self-reliance" in their "Supported Living Environment" under their "YOUR Life Plan!", such is intended to be governed by Title 17, and so this Title is "NOT applicable (N/A)". NO aH4L! Program, including FINANCES! or Education & Tutoring!, offer any Services (or THINGS!) regulated under this Title, including any which lawfully require State licensing; and

n). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 23, Waters - DOES NOT APPLY to aH4L!. Though aH4L! serves & supports to assist VIP! Members or Clients with "HOMES!" related" matters, "toward INDEPENDENCE and "self-reliance" in their "Supported Living Environment" under their "YOUR Life Plan!", such is intended to be governed by Title 17, and so this Title is "NOT applicable (N/A)". NO aH4L! Program, including HOMES! or its sub-programs, offer any Services (or THINGS!) regulated under this Title, including any which lawfully require State licensing. Any "Comments" and "guidance" we offer VIP!'s is only offered EITHER as 1) one would receive from a "trusted family member or friend", OR 2) as the VIP! has been duly advised lawfully by their paid Professional(s) (e.g. licensed "XYZ", etc.); and

o). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 24, Building Standards Code - DOES NOT APPLY to aH4L!. Though aH4L! serves & supports to assist VIP! Members or Clients with "HOMES!" related" matters, "toward INDEPENDENCE and "self-reliance" in their "Supported Living Environment" under their "YOUR Life Plan!", such is intended to be governed by Title 17, and so this Title is "NOT applicable (N/A)". NO aH4L! Program, including HOMES! or its sub-programs, offer any Services (or THINGS!) regulated under this Title, including any which lawfully require State licensing. Any "Comments" and "guidance" we offer VIP!'s is only offered EITHER as 1) one would receive from a "trusted family member or friend", INCLUDING our CONSTANT RECOMMENDATION to VIP!s, for "full disclosure and informed Consent", is to seek a qualified, licensed Professional applicable to the matter involved; OR 2) as the VIP! has ALREADY been duly advised lawfully by their paid Professional(s) (e.g. licensed "XYZ", etc.); and

p). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 26, Toxics - DOES NOT APPLY to aH4L!. Though aH4L! serves & supports to assist VIP! Members or Clients with "food-and housing related" matters, in the CARE! Program, and Caregiving! SubProgram, and HOMES! Program and sub-programs, we only CASUALLY and WITH COMMON KNOWLEDGE related to Toxic materials. We do not CREATE, NOR MANAGE any toxic substances other than those that might be found in COMMON household cleaninng substances. And then, we only "guide" and "use" ACCORDING TO PUBLISHED LABELING, AND heed ALL CAUTIONS, WARNINGS, etc. Our Programs DO NOT EXIST to offer any Services (or THINGS!) which are "toxic control" related, whether in Food or Human ingestion, or Household use, all of which aH4L! believes requires separate State licensing (such as a HAZMAT Control technician, EXPLOSIVES Control Technician, etc.)

q). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 26, Environmental Protection - DOES NOT APPLY to aH4L!. Though aH4L! serves & supports to assist VIP! Members or Clients with "food-and housing related" matters, in the CARE! Program, and Caregiving! SubProgram, and HOMES! Program and sub-programs, we only CASUALLY and WITH COMMON KNOWLEDGE related to items which may damage the environment. We do not CREATE, NOR MANAGE any "environmentally damaging substances other than those that might be found in COMMON household cleaninng substances. And then, we only "guide" and "use" ACCORDING TO PUBLISHED LABELING, AND heed ALL CAUTIONS, WARNINGS, etc. Our Programs DO NOT EXIST to offer any Services (or THINGS!) which are "environmental protection or control" related, whether in Food or Human ingestion, or Household use, all of which aH4L! believes requires separate State licensing (such as a HAZMAT Control technician, EXPLOSIVES Control Technician, etc.)

r). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 27, Managed Health Care - DOES NOT APPLY to aH4L!. Though aH4L! serves & supports to assist VIP! Members or Clients with "food-related" matters in the CARE! Program, and Caregiving! SubProgram, "toward INDEPENDENCE and self-reliance", in their "Supported Living Environment", such is intended to be governed by Title 17, and so this Title is "NOT applicable (N/A)". Further, CARE! Programs DO NOT EXIST to offer any Services (or THINGS!) which are "professional" dietary Programs or "Directions", or "Medical Prescriptions", or "Medical Treatments", or "Medical Therapies" or any other "Professional" advice or Goods or Supplies, in regard to any food, plant, horticulture, eating, treatment, therapy or raising of livestock or any other "animal use, care, grooming, etc., all of which aH4L! believes requires separate State licensing (such as a Dietician, Physician, Psychologist, Nurse, Nurse Practioner, Physiatrist, Physiologist, Neurologist, or any other Medical Specialty, Veternarian, Animal Rescue, or Animal Care and Boarding, etc.); and

3) Re: (Section III) Title 17 - Public Health

aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Title 17 predominantly governs all our Operations regarding VIP! Members & Clients.

A). Re: Section III (CCR) - Title 17, aH4L!® AFFIRMS, we DO perform Operations which shall be COMPLIANT UNDER DIVISIONS & CHAPTERS AS FOLLOWS:

a). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Division 1, State Department of Health Services - APPLIES INDIRECTLY - though aH4L! itself in the "State Department of Health Services" or and "Administrative Agency thereof" as defined in the Regulations, by our Charter (e.g. as DDS, or a Regional Center is governed directly by), aH4L! DOES ROUTINELY interact with such State Departments and Agencies who are apportioned by the State for the "lives and living" of VIP!s. We particularly interact with those where Funding has been appropriated, so we can offer highly valuable Service/Support aligned with our Mission. Therefore, aH4L! shall comply with all such Regulations applicable to our offered Service/Support Programs as published herein on our website and related "promotional literature"

b). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Division 2, Health and Welfare Agency - Department of Developmental Services - APPLIES DIRECTLY, SIGNIFICANTLY - aH4L! shall comply with all Regulations applicable to our offered Services (& THINGS!)

i). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Chapter 1, General Provisions - APPLIES, ... - aH4L! shall comply with...:

- tbd ; and

ii). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Chapter 2, Early Intervention - DOES NOT APPLY to aH4L! - aH4L! offers NO Services (or THINGS!) to individuals for which this Regulation services, "infants and toddlers"; and

iii). aH4L!® AFFIRMS, Chapter 3, Community Services - Department of Developmental Services - APPLIES DIRECTLY, SIGNIFICANTLY - aH4L! shall comply with all Regulations applicable to our offered Services (& THINGS!)

B). Re: Section III (CCR)- re: Title 17, aH4L!® AFFIRMS THAT UNLESS LISTED ABOVE, aH4L! DOES NOT have Operations regulated under CCR.

- aH4L!® requests the reader also observe the Notices a) - c) above under CCR 2), AND:
- SEE ALSO THEN our Disclaimers Policy for support of this/our LIMITATION OF SERVICE SCOPE (re: Title 17)

(Section III) Title 9 - Department of Rehabilitative Services

California's Department of Developmental Services has the highest level of oversight over any of our Services & Programs which are "State Sponsored" (where we are "Vendored") for VIP!s

Read More - Dept Of Rehabilitative Services

Section IV - City of Los Angeles compliance.

In comparison with the Requirements of City of Los Angeles posted on its website (CLICK "Read More" link below), and by due Registration with the Business Registration Center, aHAND4 ® Life! has been found EXEMPT from any requirement for Business Tax and Licensing thru June 22nd, 2027. Prior to that time we intend to "Re-Register" to MAINTAIN our EXEMPT Status in the City of Los Angeles.

Read More - LA County Business License

Section V - Westside Regional Center compliance.

Read More - Westside Regional Center

Section VI - Santa Clara County compliance


Section VII - San Andreas Regional Center compliance

Read More - San Andreas Regional Center