• woman excited arms, pulling for you, saying Matching 
                 NEEDS & LIVING
			    	 Public Giving! ™
                          CA CR Title 11 §999.2 Public Benefit Co.  
                               US CR Title26 §501c3 Tax Exempt 
                                      Since May 2009
  • grin and bearing man clenching arms, pulling for you saying Defending 
       the HUMAN SPIRIT 
            of VIP!s 
	    An easy, yet 
              TERRIBLE THING
		         TO CRUSH! ™
                         CA CR Title11 §999.2 Public Benefit Co.  
                              US CR Title26 §501c3 “Tax Exempt” 
                                   Since May 2009
  • lovely woman with extatic head-turning grin and arms, saying Becoming a   
             for  VIP!s
          PEOPLE with a Chronic, 
               Significant, Physical
                  Disability due to 

	                   CA CR Title 11 §999.2 Public Benefit Corp,  
                                  US CR Title26 §501c3 “Tax Exempt”, 
                                       Since May 2009


Compliance Overview

CO1) aHAND4 Life! Committment to Compliance

a) aHAND4 ® Life! provides a substantial committment (Resources) to achieving high, "Best in Class" status, in Service Quality & Effectiveness, use of Technology, with Innovation and for Compliance - i.e., throughout all our Operations.

b) aH4L! ® intends to COMPLY WITH all applicable Statutes & Regulations - Federal, State, County & Local Ordinances and executed Contracts governing our Business (the following demonstrates).

c) aH4L! ®FURTHER will work diligently with all Funding Parties under Contract with our VIP!s - to assure we define, then execute successful "Supported Living" experiences, toward full Independence, for all VIP! "Members" & VIP! "Clients".

d) aH4L! ® will also engage our General Membership in similar fashion as appropriate and applicable, including Directors, Advisors and Staff!

e) Please note, aH4L! ® ONLY intends to comply with the Statutes (Codes & Regulations) LISTED BELOW - any such NOT LISTED BELOW WE INTEND NO SPECIFIC Compliance with, as we consider "NOT Applicable to our Operations.

CO2) aH4L! ® offers SERVICES (& THINGS!) BEYOND "State Appropriations & Payor REQs"

a) aH4L! ® can offer VIP!s SELECT Sevices (and THINGS!) BEYOND that which Welfare Codes and Regulations (appropriated and governed) or Private Payors (e.g. Insurance Co's, etc.) are Required to - because of our Organization's EXPERTISE - with VIP!s, with with Use of Technology, by our Innovativeness, and because of our Quality-mindedness.

i) aH4L! ® can offer VIP!s such referenced above FOR FREE to many VIP!s either those with "Member" (only, Gold-1) status, OR Gold-2 and Gold-3 status when no Government or Private Payor obligations (entitlement/obligation) exists - this is because of Donations provided by the Public for our cause, due to our Public Benefit Corporation (CA Corp Code)and IRS-granted "Tax-exempt" (501c3) status.

ii) aH4L! ® can offer the REMAINDER of VIP!s such referenced above FOR A FEE at negotiated Rates - with the Government Agencies and/or Private Payors carrying an obligation to VIP!s.

Section I - General Compliance

GC1) aH4L! compliance with Local Site Ordinances and its Contractual Obligations

a) aH4L! ® AFFIRMS we Operate from a compliant Local Facility/Site (in the Community of each VIP!), and comply with our executed VIP! Contracts

b) aH4L! ® does not Serve/Support any VIP! in any LOCATION UNLESS we complete due negotiation and EXECUTE a written Services Agreement , where "Execution" must be by an Officer of aH4L! AND a legally responsible Party for a VIP!

c) Further, UNLESS on the rare occurrence that aH4L! ® duly executes a Service Agreement with a remotely located VIP!, or there are few VIP!'s in the Community aH4L! ® DOES NOT OPERATE OR Serve/Support any VIP!s UNLESS:

i) we occupy a Physical Office in the Community, AND
ii) have AT LEAST one (1) Senior Program Manager and one (1) Direct Support Professional in that Community, AND
iii) we PUBLISH the location Address and provide verifiable PHOTOS LINKED to that address on our one (1) and only Authorized Website (here), on the Contact Us Page.

* Please note, our firm statement above is provided because Public Charities are often subjected to unscroupulous "predators" - people not sanctioned or otherwise employed by the Non-Profit Organiztion (in this case, aH4L!). These people of ill-repute prey on the goodwill of the Public, and the weakness of the disadvantaged, for their own financial gain. So unless you see our Facility in YOUR Area, the Actions of such people ARE NOT Sanctioned by aH4L!, AND, we strongly request you report these suspicious people and their activities to aH4L! AND the Local Authorities! We work diligently in advance to PREVENT FRAUD, and your help will GREATLY increase our Efficiency, Effectiveness and the good reputation of this Member-based Organization, for deserving VIP!s everywhere.

GC2) aH4L! ® compliance w/ applicable State VIP! "DD" Definitions & Program Requirements

a) aH4L! ® AFFIRMS our Compliance will confirm a VIP!'s "DD Qualifications", equitably, in writing, AS:

i) will be based on objective, written criterion which broadly acceptable according to DEFINED Standards, to the Public and appropriate qualified, licensed Professional(s) in the State of residence of the VIP!; and

ii) will be based on a mutually agreed up (in advance of Service/Support) DOCUMENT ("YOUR Life Plan!"); and

iii) will be to a mutually agreeable, written "YOUR Life Plan!", intended to address a wide range of Ages, pre-Adult and Adult, and will be "Age-appropriate"; and

b) aH4L! ® AFFIRMS compliance to VIP!'s "Age and Financial Qualifications" and Reporting, BECAUSE:

i) aH4L! ® wishes to serve a wide range of Ages (i.e. "Age-appropriate"), by a mutually agreed to "YOUR Life Plan!"; and

ii) aH4L!'s ® Services (and THINGS!) are VALUABLE, particularly when considered in an "open, commercial marketplace"; and

iii) aH4L!'s ® Services (and THINGS!) are EXPENSIVE to MAINTAIN and DELIVER, and often enought to secure as Donations vasicilate; and

iv) aH4L! ® is a Not-for-Profit Organization, we offer our Services (and THINGS!) AT BELOW-MARKET RATEs, and intend to do so EQUITABLY, and on a QUALIFIED "Financial Need" basis

v) So then in consideration of all the above, as our Resources exist, aH4L! ® qualifies VIP!'s based not only on their "DD" diagnosis, but also based on their "Financial Status" and that of their Stakeholders - to DEFRAY (offset) our significant DIRECT costs/expenses in providing valuable "Hands-on" laborers, with and for each VIP! - but also our "Indirect Costs" (even though as noted elsewhere herein, such are Board-mandated to be "very low", established in 2014 as 15% MAXIMUM, which is "85% Cost-Efficient"). We do this necessarily as businesses do (even Not-for-Profits!) so we can remain a Going-Concern and delivering quality, effective, innovative Programs and Sub-programs accordinng to our Mission, in perpetuity; and

vi) its simply GOOD BUSINESS and most often is REQUIRED by those Funding/Sponsoring the Services for each VIP! - so aH4L! ® maintains objective evidence and good, concise records supporting 1) a VIP! candidate's lawfully submitted (and current) financial affirmations and documentation, 2) our (GUARANTEED) "below-market" rates, and 3) our cost-effectiveness, and 4) our Program Effectiveness.

c) aH4L! ® AFFIRMS it will execute by clear, compliant Policies and for defined Programs/Activities
aH4L! ® intends to publish most of such throughout its public Website, for the expressed Purpose of demonstrating compliance, and for cost-efficiency, and program effectiveness, to "Serve/Support" THE GREATEST NUMBER of VIP!s and toward their FULLEST independence!

GC3) aH4L!'s ® committments to Compliance result in our offering four (4) VIP! Types

a) aHAND4 ® Life!, by our experience with applicable Codes and Regulations and the needs of business, has created four (4) VIP! "Types" involving "Member" and "Client" Status. We work diligently with VIP! Candidates to qualify each, as possible, in ONE (1) of the following:

i) VIP! Gold-1 ("Member" status, Unsponsored)
ii) VIP! Gold-2 ["Member" & "Client" status (Sponsored, Government or Private Payor)]
iii) VIP! Gold-3 ["Member" & "Client" status (Sponsored, Private Party)]
iv) VIP! Gold-4 ["Client" status (only, Non-Member)]

GC4) aH4L! ® intends compliance with National & State Law [Codes & Regulations] AS:

a) aH4L! ® intends to COMPLY WITH ALL applicable Statutes (to our Operations), beginning with those governing our existence as a Corporation (see our State of Incorporation, California); and

b) aH4L! ® intends to COMPLY WITH ALL applicable Codes for "Developmental Disabilities ("DD"), as applicable to VIP!s herein; and

c) aH4L! ® intends to COMPLY WITH ALL "Acts" adopted by State Legislatures applicable to our stated Operations.

d) aH4L! ® intends to COMPLY WITH ALL Regulations applicable to our stated Operations, as put forth by various State Agencies and approved by the appropriate Authority(s)(e.g., the State Legislature) - particularly those related to Welfare, Education and Employment.

NOTE: Please see all applicable "Legislative Websites", as well as our summaries herein.

GC5) aH4L! ® maintains a "state of readiness" for Inspection or Audit

a) For all our Operations, aHAND4 ® Life! works diligently to comply AND maintain a "continued state of readiness" for Authorized Inspections or Audits - for 1) Inspection by Competent Authority(s) in jurisdiction - both "Announced" and "unannouced", or 2) 1) Quality Audit (with both, Policy, requiring accompaniment by an Officer of aH4L! Inc.)

GC6) aH4L! ® Compliance Disclaimers

a) aH4L! ® expressly DISCLAIMS:

i) that we comply with any Codes or Regulations not expressly stated herein that we "comply with"; and

ii) that we are obligated to reprint all the Codes and Regulations in existence that may or may not relate to our business. We excerpt a few via helpful links, but readers are advised to consult their own legal resources.

iii) aH4L! ® issues various Disclaimers to assist us in assuring that those we interact with are working WITH us to assure Compliance - we consider compliance a MUTUAL effort of aH4L! and each VIP!

Section II - aH4L! ®Compliance with FEDERAL Laws & Regulations

FED1) aH4L! ® intends to COMPLY WITH ALL all applicable Requirements as a Services Vendor for VIP! Candidates who receive Social Security Insurance (SSI) [of the Social Security Administration (SSA)]. For details, select the following Link.

FED2) aH4L! ® intends to COMPLY WITH ALL requirements as a Services Vendor for VIP! Candidates who receive HUD's Housing Choices Voucher Program (Section 8). For details, select the following Link.

FED3) aH4L! ® intends to COMPLY WITH ALL applicable Requirements of ACL, will seek Program Funding for our Programs, and support many of their published initiatives, and attempt to incorporate in to our own Programs as possible Consumer Choice and Control, Empowering Advocacy, Employment, Health and Wellness, Protecting Rights and Preventing Abuse, Support to Caregivers, Strengthening the Aging and Disability Networks.

Section III - aH4L! ® Compliance with STATE Laws (Codes & Regulations)


First Name, Initial, Last Name
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First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name


First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name


First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name

New Hampshire

First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name

New Jersey

First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name

New Mexico

First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name

New York

First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name

North Carolina

First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name

North Dakota

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First Name, Initial, Last Name


First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name


First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name


First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name


First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name

Rhode Island

First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name

South Carolina

First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name


First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name


First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name


First Name, Initial, Last Name
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First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name


First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name


First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name

West Virginia

First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name


First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name


First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name

District of Columbia

First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name

Puerto Rico

First Name, Initial, Last Name
First Name, Initial, Last Name

3. Contact Us with any Concerns or Questions.

Please submit goodly detail, including Name, Address and Phone & Email Contact Information so we may respond appropriately.

[Please NOTE:

*: In the cases of 2c) and 2d) above [Private Sponsorship ("Silver VIP!") or a VIP! Client's ("Bronze VIP!")], funding/contract payments CANNOT be provided as a "aH4L! Donation" - and aH4L! will NOT issue a "Charitable Receipt" (or Report as "Charitable Income" in our Books), and will simply issue Invoices (with Due date) and "PAID Invoices" (upon due payment(s)). aH4L!'s response to any IRS or State Financial related inquiry will affirm this Policy, that such "payments" were NOT offered or accepted/received as "Donations" (as are legally defined). aH4L! considers all such "Related Busiess/Services Income" (as opposed to "Unrelated Business Income"), of our "Service for Fee" engagement model. This aH4L! Policy is based on the fact that "Donated Funds" cannot be used for the "private inurement of any individual within aH4L!, including VIP!, Staff, Director, etc. (and we consider it "unethical" if such "provider" requests such, and is aware of Federal and State Codes and Regulations.). Importantly, if aH4L! accepted such funds under such pretension, and used such in such way, such would qualify aH4L! for termination of our IRS and CA Franchise Tax Board "Status" as a 501c3 "Not-for-Profit, Public Charity, and Public Benefit Corporation, respectively - an outcome we will work vehemently to avoid!]:

**: Each VIP!, OR their responsible Parent(s), Guardian, Conservator have a Duty (incl. Fiduciary) TO DISCLOSE in VIP! Application.]

***: Such is based on the "prevailing rate", for "reasonable and necessary" costs/expenses in the "Locale" the VIP! has as their selected "Supported Living" Community (typically MEDIAN of a minimum of three (3) authentic, validated (published, peer reviewed) data sources). We also affirm that we support our compliance with our "501c3 Status" and State "Public Benefit" Statute and Regulations with objective evidence that all our Services (&THINGS!) are OFFERED and PROVIDED at "below Market" cost, AND IS: a) based on Equitable, Objective Financial Qualifications ("Stratafied") of the "Purchasors" of Services, and b) THAT "near-market" Rates exist in only a SUBSTANTIAL MINORITY of cases (as pro rata Annual Income); and c) IN NO Cases do we offer our Services or THINGS! AT MARKET RATES OR WITH "PROFIT MOTIVE"; and d) that our Income in TOTALITY meets qualifying limits of our Status federally and state-wise.]

**** Please NOTE: "Special Needs Trusts are "irrevocable", but not lawfully REQUIRED to pay for any particular item - any item paid for is at the sole discretion of the Trustee, and must be for such "aH4L! VIP! candidate" who is the specified (sole) Beneficiary)]