• woman excited arms, pulling for you, saying Matching 
                 NEEDS & LIVING
			    	 Public Giving! ™
                          CA CR Title 11 §999.2 Public Benefit Co.  
                               US CR Title26 §501c3 Tax Exempt 
                                      Since May 2009
  • grin and bearing man clenching arms, pulling for you saying Defending 
       the HUMAN SPIRIT 
            of VIP!s 
	    An easy, yet 
              TERRIBLE THING
		         TO CRUSH! ™
                         CA CR Title11 §999.2 Public Benefit Co.  
                              US CR Title26 §501c3 “Tax Exempt” 
                                   Since May 2009
  • lovely woman with extatic head-turning grin and arms, saying Becoming a   
             for  VIP!s
          PEOPLE with a Chronic, 
               Significant, Physical
                  Disability due to 

	                   CA CR Title 11 §999.2 Public Benefit Corp,  
                                  US CR Title26 §501c3 “Tax Exempt”, 
                                       Since May 2009

VIP! Types

VT) aH4L!' offers four (4) VIP! Types (based on Financial status)

VT) 1) aHAND4 ® Life!, by our experience with the Codes and Regulations and the needs of business, has created four (4) VIP! "Types" involving "Member" and "Client" Status, and works diligently with VIP! Candidates as possible to qualify each in the applicable ONE (1):

VT) 1) a) VIP! Gold-1 ("Member" status, Unsponsored)
VT) 1) b) VIP! Gold-2 ["Member" & "Client" status (Sponsored, Government or Private Payor)]
VT) 1) c) VIP! Gold-3 ["Member" & "Client" status (Sponsored, Private Party)]
VT) 1) d) VIP! Gold-4 ["Client" status (only, Non-Member)]

VT) 2) aH4L! ® determines the VIP! TYPE based on their annual Income & Networth and that of their Stakeholders:

VT) 2) a) - VIP! Gold-1 will apply IF no other higher Funding (to aH4L!) Type below applies, AND IF the candidate has VERY LOW Annual Income due to their inability to employ meaningfully because of their qualified Developmental Disability, AND very low Networth (less than $10K), AND is NOT entitled to any "Sponsorship" by either Government and/or a Private Payor, AND cannot engage for additional funding a committed Private Party in a reasonable timeframe (1mo.), AS FOLLOWS:

VT) 2) a) i) - aH4L! ® will consider "Member" Status for such VIP! Candidate.

VT) 2) a) ii) - aH4L! ® will discuss our Membership Agreement, Membership Fees, Terms, etc. (including with any of their legal Guardian(s) or Conservator(s) - and including constructive input from any non-legal VIP! custodians, such as VIP! "Elders" (at the sole discretion of aH4L!) - to reach mutually agreeable set of valued Services (and necessary THINGS!).

VT) 2) a) iii) - Such must culminate in mutual agreement and duly executed Membership Agreement, with our standard Terms & Conditions, by aH4L! ® and the VIP! Candidate, receipt of the VIP!'s Membership Fees (or the non-refundable Deposit thereof), and an executed "YOUR Life Plan!" for said defined "Services", including Needs analysis, Goals, Metrics, Service Schedules, Member Fee Schedule, etc.

VT) 2) a) iv) - Upon consummation of Agreements above, aH4L! ® will entitle such VIP! to become Nominated by the President of aH4L! (subject only to Board "Election"), and immediate "Member" status, enabling access to the agreed on aH4L! Program offerings, several of which are not available to VIP!'s with "Client (only)" status, such as aHAND4 THINGS! ; OR

VT2) b) - VIP! Gold-2 will apply IF "Member" status above applies (Gold-1) AND IF no other higher funding Type (to aH4L!) below applies, BUT ALSO the candidate qualifies (is entitled to) Sponsorship by either Government (Fed and/or State appropriated) AND/OR Private Payor funding, AS FOLLOWS:

VT2) b) i) - aH4L! ® will consider "Member" AND "Client" Status for such VIP! Candidate, when support (documentation) for each has been supplied "In Application", where we REQUIRE (as part of the aforementioned Membership Agreement) that the VIP! Candidate achieve/receive/designate full funding entitlement from such funding Source and naming aH4L! as the VIP! Candidates "Service Organization" for defined Services.

VT2) b) ii) - aH4L! ® will qualify as "Vendor" as possible, and then upon receiving such "Qualified Vendor Status", will offer to assist the VIP! in qualifying (documentation) as necessary and required. aH4L! then will negotiate according to our Services-for-Fees" model with the Agency and/or Payor Sponsor, with the involvement as required by the VIP!'s legal Guardian(s) or Conservator(s) (and with the constructive input from any non-legal custodians such as "Elders" (at the sole discretion of aH4L!)- to reach mutually agreeable good Rates and Terms (for aH4L! and the Sponsor) for aH4L! valued Services (and necessary THINGS!).

VT2) b) iii) - Such must culminate in mutual agreement between aH4L! ® and the VIP! and the Sponsor (Government Agency and/or Private Payor) in a dully written and executed "Services Agreement" (at least a 2nd Agreement, possibly a 3rd Agreement if both Government and Private Payor apply) for said defined "Services", including Needs analysis, Goals, Metrics, Service Schedules, Payment Schedule, etc. ("YOUR Life Plan!"); OR

VT2) b) iv) - Upon consummation of above Agreements above, including above mentioned "Member" Nomination (subject to "Election" as noted above), aH4L! ® will entitle the VIP! to immediate "Member" and "Client" status, of the TYPE named here, enabling access to the agreed on aH4L! Program offerings, several of which are not available to VIP!'s with "Client (only)" status

VT2) c) - VIP! Gold-3 will apply IF "Member" status above applies (Gold-1), AND IF the VIP! candidate is not entitled to any Government or Private Payor Funding (i.e. Gold-2 Type above does not apply), BUT IF the VIP! is offered additional committed funding by a Private Party Sponsor.

VT2) c) i) - aH4L! ® NOTEs it is not a Certified Tax Advisor and we advise all parties to seek their own legal or financial advise. aH4L! at a minimum works diligently to assure any Private Party payments do not jeopardize our "tax-exempt" status. So firstly such payments will be 100% correlated to our "exempt purpose" - i.e. our DEFINED Programs already established under our Exempt purpose. As well, such cannot "inure to the benefit SOLELY of one individual". So such "Financial Committments" must be SUBSTANTIAL (thousands of dollars, vs. hundreds), and will be considered "unrelated business income for aH4L!" (vs. a "Charitable Donation" of the Private Party Sponsor (such payments also need to be provided 50% in advance, 50% as delivered). To the VIP! candidate and Private Party Sponsor benefit, we assure our cost offering will be notably, or significantly "Below-market", depending on the total Income & Network of both VIP! and Sponsor. And aH4L! maintains all Local region benchmarks relative to our Business to assure such, "with MARGIN", so States and IRS will not have an issue.

VT2) c) ii) - aH4L! ® will consider "Member" AND "Client" Status for such VIP! Candidate, when support (documentation) for each has been supplied "In Application", where we REQUIRE (as part of the aforementioned Membership Agreement) that the VIP! Candidate achieve/receive/designate the committed funding of the Private Party Sponsor and naming aH4L! as the VIP! Candidates "Service Organization" for defined Services.

VT2) c) iii) - aH4L! ® notes that it is likely already a qualified "Vendor" in the State of the VIP! candidate, so aH4L! will not perform any "additional" qualification with Private Party Sponsors. But aH4L! ® WILL negotiate similarly, according to our Services-for-Fees" model with the Private Party Sponsor, with the involvement as required by the VIP!'s legal Guardian(s) or Conservator(s) (and with the constructive input from any non-legal custodians such as "Elders" (at the sole discretion of aH4L!) - to , and the Private Party , to offer a defined, goodly set of Services for a reasonable "below-market" rate,

VT2) c) iv) - Such must culminate in mutual agreement between aH4L! ® and the VIP! and Private Party Sponsor, in a duly written and executed "Services Agreement" (a 2nd Agreement with the VIP!, 1st for the Sponsor) for said defined "Services", including Needs analysis, Goals, Metrics, Service Schedules, Payment Schedule, etc. ("YOUR Life Plan!"); OR

VT2) c) v) - Upon consummation of above Agreements above, including above mentioned "Member" Nomination (subject to "Election" as noted above), aH4L! ® will entitle the VIP! to immediate "Member" and "Client" status, of the TYPE named here, enabling access to the agreed on aH4L! Program offerings, several of which are not available to VIP!'s with "Client (only)" status

VT2) d) - VIP! Gold-4 will apply IF "Member" status above CANNOT be considered (Gold-1, 2 or 3), BUT IF the VIP! candidate CAN, as their OWN Private Party Sponsor, provide sufficient PERSONAL Funding (from their Annual Income and/or Networth), BUT IF the VIP! is offered additional committed funding by a Private Party Sponsor.

VT2) d) i) - aH4L! ® NOTEs it is not a Certified Tax Advisor and we advise all parties to seek their own legal or financial advise. aH4L! at a minimum works diligently to assure any Private Party payments do not jeopardize our "tax-exempt" status. So firstly such payments will be 100% correlated to our "exempt purpose" - i.e. our DEFINED Programs already established under our Exempt purpose. As well, such cannot "inure to the benefit SOLELY of one individual". So such "Financial Committments" must be SUBSTANTIAL (thousands of dollars, vs. hundreds), and will be considered "unrelated business income for aH4L!" (vs. a "Charitable Donation" of the Private Party Sponsor (such payments also need to be provided 50% in advance, 50% as delivered). To the VIP! candidate and Private Party Sponsor benefit, we assure our cost offering will be notably, or significantly "Below-market", depending on the total Income & Network of both VIP! and Sponsor. And aH4L! maintains all Local region benchmarks relative to our Business to assure such, "with MARGIN", so States and IRS will not have an issue.

VT2) d) ii) - aH4L! ® will consider "Client (only)" Status for such VIP! Candidate, when support (documentation) has been supplied "In Application", where we REQUIRE that the VIP! Candidate achieve/receive/designate committed funding as their OWN Private Party Sponsor and name aH4L! as the VIP! Candidates "Service Organization" for defined Services.

VT2) d) iii) - aH4L! ® notes that it is likely already a qualified "Vendor" in the State of the VIP! candidate, so aH4L! will not perform any "additional" qualification with VIP! "Self" Private Party Sponsor. But aH4L! ® WILL negotiate similarly, according to our Services-for-Fees" model with VIP! candidate, with the involvement as required by the VIP!'s legal Guardian(s) or Conservator(s) (and with the constructive input from any non-legal custodians such as "Elders" (at the sole discretion of aH4L!) - to offer a defined, goodly set of Services for a reasonable "below-market" rate,

VT2) d) iv) - Such must culminate in mutual agreement between aH4L! ® and the VIP! "Self" Private Party Sponsor, in a duly written and executed "Services Agreement" for said defined "Services", including Needs analysis, Goals, Metrics, Service Schedules, Payment Schedule, etc. ("YOUR Life Plan!"); OR

VT2) d) v) - Upon consummation of above Agreements above, aH4L! ® will entitle the VIP! to immediate "Client (only)" status, of the TYPE named here, enabling access to the agreed on aH4L! Program offerings, and, depending on the funding level offered, up to aH4L!'s FULLEST possible (Non-Donated) Services (Programs) offerings (and NOT THINGS!, which are SOLELY Public DONATED items and therefore RESERVED for distribution to VIP!s with "Member" status ONLY.